1:Living a simple life

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Yes, I only live a simple life just like normal people does. Whenever I want something or anything, I should work and strive hard to get it because after all, patience is a virtue. We, people, needs to wait for the right time to come and put our whole faith in it.

Many people says life is unfair. Yeah, that's true but think of a way to be fair to everyone. Enjoy ourselves by doing what we like, what we want and what we are dreaming of.

Being free from any circumstances is a good thing for all. Just like me, I've also been in a caged and fuc*ed up life but still, I managed to fight and stand strong for my loved ones.

I am Clyde Monteverde Sanchez and I am proud of living and enjoying a simple life right now. I just turned 18 last month and now, I can totally say that I'm matured enough. Many people thought that I am 23 years old because of my tall height but unfortunately, looks can be deceiving.

Despite of all the downfalls that I have experienced, I still manage to smile and stand up strong to show to others that no matter what will happen, I will always stand up straight and strong enough to face any trials and hardships that they would be giving me. I don't want them to see my weakness because all my life, I've been a fighter for my loved ones so that at least they could be proud to have me.

"Mom?" I said while trying to find out where Mom could be.

"Oh! Yes son?," she answered.

"Mom, today I will be having a sideline because it is still our vacation. I just want you to know that because I don't want to see you being worried to me."

"Son, it's okay. It's normal for me to get worried of you because you are the only one that I have right now. You're Dad is happy in heaven now," she said while reminiscing Dad's memories with us before.

"You're right Mom. I just don't want you to be worried sick of me because you know, I am old enough to take care of myself," I said.

"Yes, that's true. I'm glad that you're now doing what you love and I know that your Dad will always be proud and happy to have you as his son. I'm sure he is always guiding and protecting us especially you," Mom said.

"Thanks Mom!" I said as I hug her tight.

After that situation, I hurriedly went upstairs to go to my room because pain is still killing me inside. Whenever Dad's name has been thrown up, I always have to hide what I truly feel because I need to be strong in front of Mom and prove to her that I can do all this but deep inside, I know I can't do it.

When I have recovered, I immediately went to the bathroom. Minutes came, I am already done fixing myself and also my room because I don't want to leave without making it neat and clean.

I am wearing a navy blue polo shirt and a dark blue pants too because blue is my favorite color.

My friend encouraged me to work here and I immediately agreed because I badly need a job right now to help Mom with our daily expenses. My work here is being a secretary of my friends boss because he badly needs it right away.

In my whole life, all I ever wanted to do is to finish my studies and also to help Mom. I want us all to be happy and to enjoy our lives together or even alone.

Life is meaningful because of the achievements and the faith that we are holding on to.

God spent so much time and died for us and now, we must obey and follow him in order to be a good child of God and to give him what he deserves to have.

I love my job, myself and especially God himself. I always pray to have a good outcome to my life and to have more strength to be able to cope up with every trials and temptations that Satan gives us especially me.

Ever since I was a child, I've always wanted to become a licensed teacher in high school or in elementary but it isn't actually the path that is assigned and destined for me to handle.

I know and I admit that sometimes, I've been a bad and a worthless person and a son to our family because after all, there isn't a single person who's born perfect. I sometimes have a bad temper that caused me to shout at my parents and instantly regrets it and I immediately apologized to them.

I am grateful to have Mom and Dad as my family and also for being part of their family that is worth the sacrifices and efforts.

Yeah, from the start, life has never been fair enough for us. Life is always been unfair to all of us. We never have the freedom to do what we love and what we want because there is always someone and something that could become a hindrance for us to be happy.

From the start, I am not a judger nor a judge because I don't have the capability to judge other people by how they look or stare at me even if I find it insulting. After all, the saying "DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER" is always on my mind to remind me not to judge easily without knowing what truly happened.

I don't judge but again, we all live in a JUDGEMENTAL SOCIETY.

I know I'm not perfect but at least, in every mistakes that I've made before, I have always learned a lesson through all of it. That lessons I have learned are applied to my life and for me to have a meaningful life too.

In the end, mistakes lets us learn from it and apply all that we've learned to our daily lives. We must also admit and forgive our self to any way that we can.

Making a mistake isn't bad but learn from it though.

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