I'm sorry

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Jerome looked up to see Lorilee's face flushed pink, He gazed upon her pale skin, her blue eyes that seemed like a clear blue sky and her dainty little feet. " If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was an angel," he thought to himself while letting go of her hand and noticing how she seemed entranced in his eyes. Jerome puller her closer to him and felt her feet stagger again. " Can I call y'a lee?" he asked putting a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Yes, you can" Lorilee replied sheepishly. she felt safe talking to him while with her parents there was an edge, the fear of rejection. Her malformation and pale tone had convinced her father she wasn't his true daughter, it took the psychic, her mother and the threat that if he harmed the girl he would lose the circus's respect so that he would recognize her as his heir. Even then she had to wed one of the men from one of the families to retain the title, her whole life had been planned and she hated it. She wanted to be free, to perform and to prove to them that she could be just as good as her father. Jerome seemed to understand that without her even telling him, his arms holding her close. " If only I could choose who I would marry, it would be you or your brother," she thought to herself as she closed her eyes.

" Jerome l-leave her a-alone" a voice trembled next to the couple. Lorilee snapped out of her daze and attempted to regain her footing but Jerome held her tighter. She looked to see the other brother, his eyes had the same glow but more controlled, his hair was slicked back and his glasses framed his perfect features. His face was stern, not as if he was cold but as if Jerome had done something wrong. But if Jerome made her heart squeeze, then this one made her lovesick. He attempted to open his mouth to reply but he was cut off by Jerome.

"Leave us alone Jeremiah, can't you see we're busy" Jerome snickered. He let go of Lorilee while turning to face his brother. Thankfully she had regained her balance quickly. the differences between the two brothers were evident yet they were the same regarding appearances, it seemed like a fight yet why did no one react. Everyone kept unpacking the train and hurrying towards the round top. 

"You know what mother said about bothering Lorilee" Jeremiah added more confidently, he readjusted his glasses that were slipping off his nose. "Forgive my brother dear, he always has had a hard time respecting rules" he added smirking. "If only mother were here to punish Jerome," he thought to himself while staring down his twin. They were the same yes, but Jeremiah was determined to go higher in the world than just a snake charmer or a ringleader, he wanted to build and if that meant running away he would do it in a heartbeat.

"Boys please, can we not do this in front of everyone" Lorilee pleaded behind Jerome's back, she had seen Jeremiah soften his stance but as soon as Jerome noticed he was distracted by Lorilee he lunged at him. As she attempted to restrain him she misstepped, landed on the ground and saw Jerome pin his brother while hitting him.  Even though you could hear Jeremiah attempt to call for help, no one reacted. Instead, everyone was running towards where the caravans were parked, the smell of smoke began to hit the trio's nostrils. 

Jerome snapped out of his rage to face Lorilee, worry painted her pale face, her spindly legs slowly rose her body as she began to run towards the fire leaving the two brothers alone. For the first time, they were afraid for the same person.

All I ever wanted was you ( Jeremiah Valeska x oc)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant