Tea Time Thoughts

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(Tsukasa POV)

Usually, every now and then- Sakura wants to have a "tea time break". Today, it was just another of of those...She makes little strawberry cakes and gives out Jasmine tea- for the record, I HATE tea, it's either a bit bitter, or just like- dirty water or something. I hate her "tea time breaks" in general- when we finish tea, she either pours MORE or she just wants us to SIT there- it ends up lasting like- HOURS! (The cake is fine tho...) Just like always, she gives me the tea and then sits down to drink her own.  I miss Amane...if he were here right now, everything would be so much more FUN!...I remember every moment with him...one of my favorites, was when school started..

*First Day Of School*


Tsukasa: Calm down Amane! We still have like- 40 minutes!


Tsukasa: aha...oh shet....

We had to run for the sake of god when we got there...

Tsukasa: see?...whew...we got here in time!...


Tsukasa: ahhhhhhh- don't be so mad about it Amaneee~

Amane: ok- you know what? Let's just fine a good spot to sit yeah?

Tsukasa: YEAH!

We found a pretty good spot where 2 seats were not taken, it wasn't far from the teachers desk and it was pretty close to the door, not long after, a woman who had a nice peachy shade of shoulder-length hair, round blue eyes, a big flower pin holding loose hair that would block her face, and a big friendly smile came through the door...

Teacher: Hello students! My name is Haruka Yokkako! But you may call me Mrs. Y! To start off with a friendly first impression and a nice introduction, I will be picking random students to introduce themselves!

 I looked over to Amane, he had a kind of frightened look, Amane wasn't the best around abig group of strangers, so, I decided to help him! Eventually, Mrs. Y pointed at Amane...

Mrs. Y: hmmm...how about you! The black haired boy with amber eye's sitting next to...the other boy with amber eye's?

Amane: ..uhm...

Tsukasa: HI! I'm Tsukasa Yugi! And This,

(I pointed to Amane)

Tsukasa: Is my twin brother, Amane Yugi!

Amane gave a little frightened jump and gave me a nervous look, the rest of the class however, half looking at me, the other at Amane, was staring in amazement, I wouldn't blame them! After all, we were 2 identical and stunning boys!

Student 1: Woah! Identical twins? Do people ever get you messed up?

Tsukasa: Yeah they do! It gets REALLY annoying when it happened tho...

People were practically drowning me with questions, Mrs. Y, looked kinda interested herself, but then, I heard six words that priced me in the back...

Student 2: Hi Amane, my name is Yuma!

I glanced over my shoulder, the boy sitting in front of Amane had his hand out, he was a boy with half white hair and black hair, he had green, thin eye's and he was holding his hand out to Amane who was a bit startled.

Amane: o-oh- hi! My name is Amane!...

I could feel anger, sadness, and jealousy as I watched Amane take "Yuma's" hand, I sat back down, signaling the other students that I didn't want to be questioned anymore, our break came in a flash...

Yuma: Amane!-

Tsukasa: Yugi.

Yuma: what?...

Tsukasa: What rights do you have to call him by his first name?

Amane: Tsukasa?

Yuma: Excuse me?

Tsukasa: Amane just told you his name! Nothing more! He didn't say that you were all of a sudden his friend now! In fact, he doesn't like to he confronted by strangers!

Yuma: What?!

Amane: it's fine Tsukasa...

Tsukasa: wha- but!- ugh- Fine.

Later at lunch, me and Amane decided to go to the rooftop...

Amane: hey Tsukasa...

Tsukasa: yeeeeeeeeeeeees Amaneeeeeeeee~?

Amane: why did you do that?- To Yuma?

Tsukasa: Yuma? Oh! you mean the panda guy!

Amane: uhm..ok you know what? As long as we're on the same page here...

Taukasa: I just didn't like him...he gave off,"ImMa sTeAl aMaNe" vibes...

Amane smiled at me and was about to say something but...HE just HAD to come...

Yuma: AMANE! CAN I EAT LUNCH WITH YO- oh...your brother is here...

I glared at him but it seemed like Amane had already gotten used to him...



He came over and I was pissed, while they were chatting and trying to get to know each other, I was just thinking about pushing Yuma off the roof for the entire time...hm? oh! It's been over an hour? Already?! Well now I can leave without Sakura getting mad! I'll think about my Amane later...(when I'm not trapped in a chair drinking devil water...)


Hi! Thanks for reading my first work of...art?..not really sure what to call it- I may have made a few grammar mistakes- and it's probably really short but I really tried. I tend to use dashes instead of commas so- yeah...Bye?

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