Tea Time Thoughts (Pt.2)

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(Tsukasa POV)

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan- Sakura said that until I finish my tea, I won't be able to goooooooo...But, I suppose that gives me some time to think about Amane again...what shall I remember?...oh! That one time when we were playing hide-and-seek!

*In The Yugi House*

Amane: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...15...16...

Tsukasa(mind): hmm...Lets see now...oh! I know! I'll hide in the yard! We both haven't hid there yet!

Amane: 19...20! Ready or nooooooooot~~ here I come~

Amane searched the entire house! From the living room to the bedroom, from the bedroom to the kitchen, from the kitchen to the bathroom, from the bathroom to the guest room, and from the guest room to the porch. He did go to the porch but...he didn't bother going down into the yard.

Amane: Tsukasa! You wiiin! I can't find you!

I thought that it was kinda funny, so I didn't move, about 5 seconds later, he went back into the house to search in it again. I could the hear him yell the same thing when he was inside...

Amane: Tsukasaaaaa!! I said, You win!! Cmon' out now!

Amane went through the door and there he stood on the porch again. Then out of nowhere, he just starts bawlin' his eyes out! In the end, I had to come rushing out to comfort him, it was a good 30 minutes before he stopped crying, and it was a good 2 hours before he stopped getting mad at me for hiding in the yard, ah! Look at the time! I poured all the tea into my mouth and ran to the bathroom to spit it all out, now, it's time to get back to finding my Amane!~


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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