Chapter 4

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"...You know what? This isn't any of your business, human. I'm leaving. I've already eaten everything there was in the refrigerator now anyway. I'm sure Lucifer is hiding a poisoned apple in the desk in the study..." Beel said and left. "What just happened?" I asked myself. "...psst...hey!" said a voice. "Hmm? Someone else in here?" "Seriously? No! Over here! Look!"

I saw Levi hiding under the table. "What are you doing hiding there?" I asked. "What do you think? Beel was just in here! I can't have him finding me with you, now can I?!" Levi said as he crawled out. "So, it's really true, right? Lucifer definitely used the word 'frozen'?" "Yeah," I said. "In that case, it could only be hidden in here," said Levi.

"In the freezer?" I asked as he opened it. "Hmm...all I see is a bunch of ice inside. ...Oh wait, look! It's the ice cream Satan hid from Beel about a century ago. I totally forgot about that. Heh. I'm not about to tell him, though. It'd spoil the joke. He'll probably figure it out in another 2000 years or so, I'd say. ...Wait a second. There's something else there behind the ice."

Levi pulled out a huge chunk of ice with a credit card inside. "Found it! Lucifer wasn't lying. It really IS frozen! Ugh, it's super heavy! And big, too! I'm gonna put it in the microwave and thaw it. Let's see, I guess about two minutes on auto should do the trick." Levi put the ice chunk into the microwave and said, "Now, I'll hit the start button and let the defrosting begin!"

Then Mammon appeared. "What's with all the racket, you two? ...HEY, wait a minute! There in the microwave..." Levi and I just looked at him. "That looks like Goldie, my credit card! My baby! The one thing more important to me than life itself...! Get it outta there before the microwave demagnetizes it and makes it useless!" he said.

"Ooh, didn't think of that. Better stop the defrost cycle, I guess!" said Levi and stopped the microwave. "Levi, you idiot! How could you do somethin' so stupid?! You're dumb as a stump, ya know that?!" said Mammon. "Hmm, are you SURE you should be talking to me like that, Mamon? After all, I'm the one who found the credit card Lucifer took from you," said Levi.

Mammon flinched a bit. "So, do you want me to give you your card back?" Levi asked. "You'd BETTER!" Mammon started but then stopped for a second before speaking more nicely, "...Um, I mean, yes, please. Please give it back, Leviathan, sir...!" And he was on his knees in front of Levi. "This guy..." I thought and sighed.

"Oh wow, this is embarrassing! I can't believe that's all it took for you to abandon your pride! You're even down on your knees!" said Levi. "You're one of the seven rulers of the Devildom, Mammon. Shouldn't you be ashamed of yourself? Well, whatever... Okay then, if you want your card back, you've got to give me the Seraphina figurine you won at the convenience store."

"The Sera...what now? What're ya talkin' about? I don't remember winnin' anything," said Mammon. "I don't believe this! You forgot that you even have her! How could you?!" Levi raged. "Ugh, c'mon, enough! Whatever you want, I'll give it to ya! Just give me back my credit card!" Mammon said. "Alright, but there's one more condition: I want you to make a pact with this human," said Levi.

"Right, a pact. fine. I'm more than happy to do whatever you..." Mammon stopped before exclaiming, "...wait, WHAT?! Why d'ya want ME to make a PACT?!" "Think about it: If you make the pact with Vivi, you'll have to do whatever you're told, right? Then Vivi'll order you to give me my money back immediately. And since you can't refuse a direct order from your master, you'll do exactly that. Game over, I win!" Levi said cheerfully.

"Pff, I don't believe this. It's just money, Levi I can't believe you'd go through all this trouble!" said Mammon. "Excuse me? Remind me again which one of us tossed aside what little pride he had left, all to get his hands on a credit card?" said Levi. "Hey, you shut up!" Mammon said before looking at me. "And you, human! What're you thinking, lettin' Levi use you like this? Are you stupid? Go on, say somethin'!"

If I Submit, You Win [Obey Me Fanfic] [Author's Edition]Where stories live. Discover now