Chapter one: Invitations

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(this is my first Wattpad so please forgive me for any mistakes. also this takes place in year seven, the neverseen does not exist.)


a letter appears in my room out of nowhere. I jump up off the floor where I was drawing and pick it up. its an invitation to Sophie's winnowing gala. I gasp. OMG, SHE GOT HER MATCH LIST!!!!! as soon as I figure out why I got this invitation that obviously was meant for Fitz, im totally going over to Havenfield. ''FITZ!'' I yell. one minute later the door opens. "what" he asked, rolling his eyes. "SOPHIE GOT HER MATCH LIST!!!" I squealed. suddenly he was paying attention. "wait... WHAT!?" I showed him the invitation. "she invited you to her winnowing gala." I gave him a sly look. "im betting you were number one on her list." he blushed and snatched the invitation, and he walked to his room, me following him and gushing about Fitzphie. "shut up!" he complained, and slammed the door in my face. whatever. "mom, dad, im going to Havenfield." I called. once they said it was okay, I yelled out "HAVENFIELD" at the leap master, and the light whisked me away.

as soon as I arrived at Havenfield, I ran to the door and knocked. Grady opened it and I pushed past him, running up the stairs. I slammed open the door to Sophie's room, and found her sleeping in the cutest way, her body curled up in a half circle and her arms wrapped around Ella. I shook her until she groaned and opened her eyes. "YOUR AWAKE!!" I said happily. "of course I am'' she grumbled. "you woke me up." I giggled. ''that was revenge for getting your match list without telling me." her eyes widened. "how- how did you find out?'' she stuttered. ''Edaline accedently conjured Fitz's invitation in my room. no biggie though." Sophie's cheeks went red. "yeah" she mumbled. "there must have been a mistake." I gave her a look. "lets cut to the chase. CAN I SEE YOUR MATCH LIST!?" she shook her head so hard it had to hurt. 'fiiiiiiiiiine'' I huffed, crossing my arms. "I bet the only reason you won't show me is because my brother is your number one.'' I didn't think it was possible for Sophie to go more red, but she did. ''a close guess'' I thought I heard her murmur. ''come on!" I dragged her out of bed. "im giving you a makeover!"

(sorry this chapter is short the others will be longer I promise)

Be mine: a Sophiana storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang