Chapter Six: It was always you

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i was shocked. im still shocked, even though she had already left. and when she came back, i still had the same shocked expression. she laughed. "here it is." she thrust the scroll into my hand and stared at me eagerly. i slowly opened the scroll and...... i gasped at her number one. 

Biana Vacker. 

i look up at her. she was still staring at me. "what- what about Keefe? and Dex? and my brother?" she smiled. she looked gorgeous when she smiled. because yes, i did want her. i couldn't believe what i was seeing. "Biana" she said, placing her hand in mine. "i don't care about them. because it was always you." i looked into the eyes of that girl, that beautiful brave girl.

and i just had to kiss her.


Biana's lips crashed against mine, and i felt like i was floating. sparks shot through my body. i wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her like nothing else mattered. because nothing else did. Biana Vacker, that amazing, stunning Biana Vacker, who could have had anyone in the world, chose me. me, Sophie Foster, the freaky brown eyed elf with five abilities. im not special. yet here she was, pulling me back in when i began to lean back. she always pulls me back in, when im losing my mind, when i want to give up. this was why i didn't show her my match list before. i was scared that she wouldn't want me. but she did. finally, the kiss ended. a smile curled on her lips. "that invitation was meant for me." i nodded. "Fitz was going to be invited. he's my number 15.  Dex is number 25. Keefe is number 11. but i don't care about all that. all i need is you."


all she needed was me. i needed her too. more than she could ever now. i've always been underestimated because of my looks. but when Sophie came into my life, and yeah its been scary, but after we defeated the never seen people saw me as... more than just a pretty face. Sophie opened up my world. i never want it closed again. "Sophie'' i said, a thought coming to my mind. "your parents- our friends- the world-" Sophie laughed. "whatever. i can deal with that. if we deal with it together." i grinned. "together." we clasped hands. i don't know what will happen in the future, nor what i will do. but whatever it is, i won't be doing it alone.

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