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I guess Zayn saw him too because he was looking at me. I couldn't realise that Louis Tomlinson plays for Doncaster.

"Did you know that Zayn?"

"No, I didn't. I didn't even know that he plays football."

Both of us were speechless and the whole game I couldn't spend much attention. The only think I could do was looking at the extremely attractive boy on the field. He was really sweaty and oh my god even when he run, he looks amazing.

The game ended way too quick but luckily for Louis they won. So, I am happy even if it's not my hometown but to see Louis bright smile when they realise that they won is much better.

Zayn didn't though the same. He was disappointed that we lost but that doesn't matter to me at the moment, I had to look at Louis and spend all my attention to him as long I still had the chance. But it wasn't long. 10 minutes later the players went back to their room to change their clothes and to drink some water. Zayn and I got the chance to went out of the Arena and spend some time together in front of the Stadium. We decided to buy something to eat because both of us were so excited for the Game that we couldn't eat.

As we were finally sitting down on a little wall Zayn began to speak.

"You know what Haz? I guess I will never understand why you are in love with this boy. I mean there are so many pretty people on this world, and you've decided to fall in love with someone you don't have any chance.", he laughs.

"I've never decided that Zayn. And believe me I can imagine many better things than to be in love with someone who probably doesn't know anymore that you exist."

We began to laugh, when someone came to us and asked what was so funny. It was a boy. He was blonde and when he talks, he sounds Irish. It seems like Zayn knows him because he started grinning like a little child who got ice cream.

"I want to laugh with you guys", the boy said.

"Oh, hey Niall! Wait let me introduce each other. Harry this is Niall, a good friend of mine! And Niall, this his Harry my best friend since primary school!"

"Hey Niall", I replied quiet.

I'm really bad to meet new people. Every time someone I don't know start to talk to me, I get really shy and awkward. But Niall seem like a nice and cool boy, so I didn't felt so weird. 

"Hi Harry. How are you? Did you enjoy the game?"

"Ehm I- I'm good thank you. And yes, the game was great I've enjoyed it really much!"

"I guess you are disappointed because your Team lost?", he laughs

Wait. Does Niall also play for Doncaster? Is he a friend of Louis? Slowly I started to panic but I tried not to make it obvious, so I began to speak again that they don't look at me like this.

"Did you watch the game or are you also a footballer?", I asked nervously

"Normally I play in this Team too. But I can't play at the moment because I hurt my knee on the last game really bad, so you couldn't see me on the field if that was what you thought."

Obviously, Zayn realised how I got really quiet, so he started to talk again that Niall doesn't see how awkward I feel right now because I'm talking to a friend of Louis. 

"So Niall... what are you doing now?"

"I'm waiting for Liam and Louis. We wanted to go to a restaurant tonight to celebrate our win."

Zayn couldn't say anything more because at this moment we saw how Liam and Louis tried to fight their way trough all this people who are still standing there.

"Look there he is!" I heard the soft but loud voice of Louis Tomlinson.

"We were searching for years, Niall", Liam laughs

"Sorry Payno, I saw Zayn and thought I could say hello."

"Heyyyy", Zayn replied to Niall's comment.

"Hey Zayn! And who are you?", he turned to me

"I-I'm H-Harry. Harry Styles.", I answered awkward.

"I know him", Louis said. "I saw him on your Party, Zayn! Nice to meet ya again Harry!"

Did this really happen right now. Louis Tomlinson. The boy I love remembers me?

I got more shy when I replied to Louis comment. "Hey! Yes, I was there too right.  Also, nice to see you again."

"So, I heard y'all going to a restaurant now? Only you or is it your whole Team which goes?", Zayn asked them.

"It's just us. Only Liam's and Louis girlfriends will come too.", Niall answered.

Okay wow. Did I hear that right? Louis has a girlfriend. I mean not that I had any hopes, but it broke my heart to hear it out loud that he's really in a relationship with a girl. I don't know what to say now. I just want to go home and cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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