Part 1

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One day, there was a wolf girl named Ella. She was an abnormal girl, well, everyone in the Floppy adventure series is abnormal. Ella was a twin. Her favorite sibling was Zoe, who was the oldest. She was the one who taught her how to walk! At the age of 6, She was being made fun of a lot at school because she was the only wolf girl in a school of humans. Despite being the only wolf in her school, she lived a normal life. Ella had a sister named Silvia, who was also a wolf girl and had a talking Fox, and a sister named Kim, who had a wolf. Ella once went into the woods-with her parakeet/Phoenix, scorch-because the meanest girl teased her when she was a hybrid legend rather than her when she heard a howl.

"What was that?" Ella, age 6, wondered. Ella heard the sound again and ran towards the sound of the howl. She came across a wolf pup!

"Aww it's so cute!" Ella said.

"Hi. who are you?" The wolf pup said.

"I am Ella, who are you?" Ella replied.

"I don't have a name. Do you want to name me?" the wolf asked.

"Ok! Hmmmmmm, what about... Wolfy! Wolfy the wolf!"

"Sounds great, I am cold, so if you don't mind..." Wolfy said.

"I have a jacket to spare!" Ella replied.

Wolfy was already sleeping on the ground, ready to be picked up.

Ella picked Wolfy up, and ran home.

"Hey mom, today is a lucky day, I found a wolf pup to keep scorch occupied, and I named it Wolfy!" said Ella.

"Ok your sister is making dinner tonight." Ella's mom,

"O: O: O:, what's for dinner?" Ella wondered.

"She said it was a surprise!"

"Let me guess, pasta?" Ella said.

"I don't even know, so go ask your sister!" shouted Ella's mom from the bed room.

In the kitchen:

"Hey Silvia, what's for dinner?" asked Ella.

"You'll see!" 

Ella's Origin StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora