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This was so boring. I could barely think straight, but still seem to pass this class with and A or above. I glance around the room. Not one jock, cheerleader, or wastoid. All seniors. Mostly girls, but only three boys. One being my best friend Chase. The other two being boys I've only spoken about two words to the entire four years I've been in this high school. Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood. Luke's mom was the principal here. He got straight A's in all classes. He was the planned Valedictorian for our graduating class. He was friends with everybody. He was still shy around girls though. I think I remember him dating a cheerleader once cause she used him to do her homework. Luke was attractive.

But Calum had my interest. Dark hair, dark eyes. He was very attractive, but I wasn't into him that way. He was smart and if we had talked more, we would have been really good friends but you know not even a nerd like him would like me.

I'm just a simple girl. By the way, I'm Ellie West. I'm average along with my light blonde hair and hazel eyes. Being short and slim was just average and I hated being it cause why would a boy want a girl like me when he could have someone interesting and extroidinary.

Boys want girls who have a great body. Not a girl who can recite every digit in Pi. But that's why I was in high school. To learn and not to show up half dressed so I can make out with a guy on top of the lunch tables. I was here to get somewhere. Anywhere.

Calum Hood was just like me. A geek, scurrying their way through the school hallways in effort to work into a great college such as Harvard or Yale. But part of me knew that he was more than that. I've heard him sing and play guitar and piano before. He really is talented and nobody knew that except for me. I hope.

I think that me and Calum would be pretty good friends if we actually talked to each other, but we never really gone to it. I don't think that will ever happen.




"Chase! Give me my notebook back!" I yelled at Chase outside of the calculus room.

"Show me how you beg!" He held it above his head so I couldn't reach it. Curse me and my short girl problems.

"Please Chase!" I beg and plead. "The late bell is about to ring and if we aren't in class, Mr. Cain is going to have a fit of anger." I constantly beg.

"Fine." He drops my notebook to the floor and marches into class.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath. I reach down to pick it up, but another hand beats me too it.

"Here." I look up to meet dark brown orbs. Instantly knowing who it was.

"Thanks." I smile and tuck my hair behind my ear. It was a nervous habit, along with biting the inside of my cheek.

"No problem. Calum." he puts out his hand for me to shake. He was looking down so I assume he was nervous or something, but I don't understand why he would be.

"Ellie." I simply say, shaking his hand.

We walk into class an sit down as quickly as possible, right as the bell rang. Chase looks over and smirks at me. I flip him off and turn my attention to the front of the class.

The day ended fast and before I knew it, I was walking home. I live about five minutes away from the school so I don't have to walk far. I want to get there as soon as possible. Why should you ask? Because you can say I have a slight crush on my neighbor. His name is Michael and he is so out there. His hair is bright green and the way he acts as dangerous and outgoing, you can say that made me want to be that way. Chase and him were pretty good friends so when me and Chase hung out, I was lucky if he had Michael with him.

As soon as I get home, I walk into the kitchen to get something to eat since I'm kind of starving. I decide on cereal and head upstairs. Once I'm upstairs, my phone flashes indicating I had a notification. Of course it being from Chase.

From: Chase

I'm coming over. We need to talk

To: Chase

About what?

From: Chase

About Calum Hood. And why he was looking at you ALL damn day.

To: Chase

Bullshit. We don't know each other like that.

From: Chase

I don't know if that's what he thinks.

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