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We're at home and Billie was working.I was playing with shark tell the door bell ring Billie look over at the door

Y:I got it!!!
I open the door to see SALIAH!!
S:hayyy y/n!
I hugged her for so long and Billie kept working and saliah had flowers and a gift Billie look over and frowned and went back to work we sat on the couch next to Billie and she handed me the stuff.
Y:awh thx!
S:you welcome!..
*Billies POV*
I looked at them and noticed that saliah hands was on y/n waist while they were hugging...I growled and just look back up at the computer.They went up stairs for awhile and it's been quiet.I sneak up the steps and put my ear on the door.
Y:I don't think I'm comfortable with this...
S:it's fine your not dating Billie so it wouldn't hurt her!..
I opened the door to saliah and y/n making out.I got mad and punched saliah to the ground y/n screamed and I just got on saliah and beat her up.Y/n is yelling at me while on the phone with the cops.

(Sorry it's short I'm sleepy it's 12:45 am xd hope y'all enjoyed night!!

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