being Found.

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I was riding with violet and we saw land we decided to land there but unfortunately we ran into some dragon hunters and they shot violets wing and we crash landed. When I hit the sand I hit my head on a rock and I passed out.                      

Hicups prospective.

Me and the other riders were  Surveying the island and we saw a dragon we didn't recognize and decided to check it out. When we got to the beach the dragon we now knew as a wolly howl got up and got in a defensive position like it was protecting something. I decided to try and get it to trust me and a few minutes later it was letting me pet it. I asked it what was wrong she showed me her wing she had a dragon hunter  Arrow in her wing the plan was to bring her back to base to give her the   Antidote but when we tried to move her she wouldn't move and then when we got her up we saw....

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