Chapter Two

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Violets by Anna Adelaïde Abrahams (Dutch, 1849--1930)

(Name) took in the morning breeze as she finally stepped out of the plane to take in the sight of Paris, France from the view of the airport. (Name) had be giggling with excitement when she made the trip from her hometown to Paris to began her career of being a painter.

As she made down the stairs to her luggage, she noticed a swarm of people around the exits of the airport. With the thoughts of confusion, she was interrupted by the loud screams and howlers of the crowd around her. (Name) was then pushes out of the way rather harshly and without care all the way to the back.

When (Name) corrected herself, she tried to see what the problem was but was stunned to see the figure of a male walking in between the crowd she was once apart of. The male was taller then the average male that she has been around her whole life, standing around six foot five, with bodyguards around him. Surrounding the young man was many photographers just as much as young girls who could only be seen to be around the ages of seventeen through twenty three. (Name) was only able to see the side of the man, as he made his way through the siding doors of the airport exit followed by the flashes of the photographers and the screams of the young girls.

(Name) in a confused state decided to forget what happened and get to the luggage department to obtain her items.

Okay! Part Two is out but I have a quick question? Would you guys prefer longer chapters or shorter chapters? If you guys want longer chapters, it would be a longer wait for update, but if you want shorter chapters there will be a shorter wait time for updates! Please feel free to tell me!


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