my wattpad story

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So I want y'all to comment and tell me the story on how you found/for wattpad. Whoever's story is the most well told, the most interesting or the most funny, will get it posted it here with a tag to your profile!

My story is this,

It was about the end of May, beginning of June. I was searching for a reading app so i could find the last Artemis Fowl book. I would install the app, search for Artemis Fowl and if it didn't show up, i would uninstall the app.
When I installed Wattpad I searched for Artemis and the Artemis Fowl Decoded book showed up. That was when I realized it was a "read and write you own book" app.
Anyway, i commented saying like 'job well done and I'm exited for the movie!' (Me getting ready to uninstall the app) when! rainclxudie commented back and we had a long chat then.... I clicked her profile, she looked EPIC! So I followed her, she followed back and voila! I am now a Wattpadder! Lol

What's your stories????!!

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