Chapter 24 Ailleacht Returns

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"Are you sure this will work," Jeremy said, "it's the dumbest plan I've ever heard of."

"Do you have a better one," Nick countered

"No, but this one is harebrained."

"If it works we'll call it ingenious." Both men held on to the small beer keg and then running smashed through the rear wall of the hogshead. The hogshead was still half filled with wine and it started spilling onto the floor. Then both men crouched and climbed into the hogs head and using the same beer keg began battering the inner wall of the hogshead. The wall split at the bung hole site at their second hit and they were through by the third. Nick was the first to step through. The room had been filled with the sound of conversations and loud singing but now was dead silent. Nick grabbed a mug and filled it from the wine spilling from the barrel and shouted "free drinks on the house, lets party. You there come through the barrel there's more beer inside." He put the beer keg down and shouted, "who can open this!" the beer keg was rushed with others pushing into the hogshead. In the ensuing chaos Nick and Jeremy simply walked out the door.

"Now were do we go?" Jeremy asked.

"Home, but we'll have to walk I have no money for a hackney." They walked toward the house and were aided by the fog to remain unnoticed. It took over an hour to reach the house and as Nick tried to walk through the garden gate he ran into a huge object he could not see. "Ailleacht, is that you," Nick whispered.

"She's not here," the dragon whispered, "she's afraid and I don't know what to do."

"Who are you talking to Nick," Jeremy said.

"We'll go to the house," Nick said, "wait here for me it will be just a minute."

"Who are you talking to?" Jeremy repeated. The dragon moved aside and they walked through the garden and knocked on the service door. James came to the door and the astonished look on his face almost had Nick laughing.

"Lord Charles said you were dead."

"He was wrong, where is everyone."

"They left for Gretna Green. Lady Relly is going to marry Charles but she's married to you and you're dead...sir."

"I don't feel quite dead," Nick said. Marta had heard Nick's voice and came running.

"Lord Charles told everyone you were dead. Poor Lady Relly was heart broken. Lord Charles tricked her into agreeing to marry." Marta went on to narrate the events of the last several days. "The countess beat her terribly Lady Relly was terrified of her."

"Where is Grandmother?"

"She's dead, Charles was angry and shoved her and she fell down the staircase. It was an accident. Lady Relly tried to help but her neck was broken. I've never seen Charles in such a rage. My little bird looked terrified of him. They left this morning."

"Jeremy go to my room and get my traveling clothes out and pack our saddle bags. We'll each need two guns and my sword. Take the Nock gun too. Marta to you make us something quick to eat. We have had little food for the last week."

"Shall I have your horses made ready," James asked.

"No that will not be necessary, I have transportation arranged. I'm going out now to check on it." Nick walked into the garden and asked the dragon for assistance he explained what was happening.

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