(TWO) Wreak Havoc

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THERE WAS ONLY ICE, ice and ice. For miles and miles the white hell spread ahead and behind so ruthlessly endless that it seemed like here's the beginning and end of the world. There was no escape from this cold and bitter prison she's got herself trapped in. There was no oasis of hope, no shelter to spare her from the end that awaited.

She embraced the numbness that the cold gave her in the beginning, but it now became unbearable. These were the last steps she was going to make on this earth, the last line in the story of her sad, pitiful life. And Eva wasn't fearing the death that much, she realised as she took another shaking step. She had nothing left, no family, no purpose, there was nothing left but these couple more steps.

She should've stayed home, she should've died with her family then rather than prolong this sad excuse of an existence. But she was a coward and she couldn't face seeing the last people that she loved taken away from her. She didn't run to save her life, she took off so she won't be forced to face the truth that she's now all alone. Now she's truly the only one she's got left and she knew, deep in her bones, that it won't be enough. She wasn't born to be on her own, not like this. So why keep living the life you weren't supposed to have.

She rose her feet to climb on a slippery rock but her body was exhausted so she finally fell. When the snow embraced her body, it was the most awful feeling she ever experienced. Her magic was gone, her body was giving up so she closed her eyes. She let out a shuddering sigh and willed herself to fall into a final sleep before it started to hurt more than it already does. She didn't need more pain, she had a lifetime of it already.

"There she is," an unknown voice said about a feet away from her. But she couldn't care less if it was an illusion or the hunters have finally caught up to her. She just wanted to sleep...

"Eva," the sound of her name made the girl open her eyes.

A girl with hair as white as the snow and eyes darker than the deepest darkness was looking at her. She smiled when Eva opened both of her eyes and looked at whoever stayed across from her frozen body.

"I told you she'd be here," the white-haired girl said in a proud voice. "It's okay, Eva. We're here to help you."

And when strong arms scooped her off the cold, frozen ground, Eva nearly wished they'd have left her there. But it seems like she didn't reach the end of the rope just yet.

"We'll take care of you now." The girl said and something in her frozen soul stirred at the words. But she was too tired, her eyelids too heavy to do anything. So she closed her eyes and wondered whether it was all a nightmare. And if it'll still be the same dream when she wakes up.


"The Paschals are known troublemakers. I'm sure your family's reputation is a pretty good explanation for their behaviour," Régis said, putting down his fork and chocking on his food loudly before he even finished talking. "You don't have to curse me for speaking the truth, darling."

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