Chapter 7

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We noticed it was time for bed, we went to our rooms and slept. Well, not me. I couldn't sleep cuz of that zombie. What if it escapes any second? What if it finds one of us, and kills us off, one by one, every night? See how hard it would be for you to sleep with all that pressure on you?

How it is when your brother just LEAVES YOU IN A HOTEL WITH A ZOMBIE? Death called me. And I would not answer. I was not going to give up then.

The next morning, we all gathered in a room to tell the story of how we all got here. Derry was first. Here is his story, told in his perspective:

My name is Derry Downs, and this is the story of how I got in this hotel. A few weeks earlier my family ditched me in the car because of a sound they heard.

I found a hotel so I decided to check it out. I found a whole bunch of stuff, but the hotel stunk and still stinks. I had to make my own dinner, and I couldn't even eat it. It was terrible. It wasn't even food. It was some slimy thingy. And a few hours later (it took a long time to get through that terrible slime thing), I went to bed.

And I must have slept through the zombie thing because I didn't realize until morning.

OK, that was Derry's story. Then it was Dawn's turn. Here is the story in her perspective... LOL! JK! Not until the next chapter! Cya, boi (Sorry my chapters are short).

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