Chapter IX

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Important announcememt at the bottom*



The sign above the door to duty free reads.

New country, fresh start, I have a feeling I'll like it here!

"Roar!" Harry jumps infront of me, arms outstretched in a stance that would suggest surfing.

"Harry! Move!" I shouted almost running into him because my eyes were preoccupied with the cute stuffed animals.

"Argg!" Harry flings me over his shoulder and Liam blocks the shelves from view.

"Hey! I wanted to buy stuff!"

"No you don't!" Liam says teasing my cheeks.

"Harwy Iwll miff in yowr face!" I threaten.


"Yeah," I blow a raspberry to shake off the feeling of Liam stretching my cheeks. "It's lady like for fart."

"Fart?" Repeats Niall.

The way he says it is absolutely crack up! I burst out on a fit of giggles, so much so that Harry has to at me put me down because I am wiggling so much.

Now we're out of duty free and the guards won't let me back in.

"Look what you've done!" I charge ahead so I don't yell at anyone.

"They only did it for your own good," says Zayn catching up with me.

"Own good? That makes me sound like a naughty child." Speaking with Zayn is just infuriating me more so I quicken my pace.

"Look, the lads will kill me if I show you now but meet me in the bathrooms in five ok?"

"K," as soon as I say it he drops back to chat with Niall.

What could possibly be that bad that I had to be human shielded?

When I meet Zayn in the toilets my question is answered.

Zayn tipped his duty free bag on the floor and magazines spilt out all over the grotty tiles.

When I bent down to pick them up Zayn put a had on my shoulder, I caught his eye and he nodded.

LOUIS TOMLINSON: "I started dating Maddie whilst still going out with Elenor" OUR EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW!

Magazines galore had similar headlines,

"She's real good in bed!" BOOBEAR SPILLS ALL!

I open my mouth but nothing more than a squeak comes out.

Zayn holds out his hand and I take it, he lifts me to my feet and pulls me into a hug.

"No, no I'm not suppose to react like this."

"I don't care if you cry on my shirt, I'll just give it to Lou. He'll like it."

"Ha," I sniff. "No but this is exactly what they want! They want me to melt like this!"

"Guys!" Liam's voice echoes around the tiles.

"In here!" I call.

"So we got- uh oh, Matt?"

I smile at Harry's shocked face.

"Lou!?" He hollas.

As soon as Lou appears at Harry's shoulder his face falls.

"Matt are you ok?" He asks running over and swooping me up in a hug.

"Never better."

"I promise, I swear, in my life I never said any of that!"

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