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•••• I'm gonna draw her soon.

Name: Akira Nakamoto
Nickname: Toka
Hero or Villain: Hero
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: 1-A
Personality: Akira is very outgoing and bubbly, she makss her presence known. It depends on the day, sometimes she's her normal happy go lucky, super optimistic self. Or sometimes she's more quieter, and "cool". She's pretty smart, not the smartest but nowhere near dumb. She just puts in effort with whatever she does, talking to others, written scholl work and exams, and training to be a hero.
Flaws: Akira, can get annoyed a lot, and little things can affect her mood and make it just flip entirely. She can get VERY moody to the point where she starts to completely go silent. How long it lasts? Depends. She has a slight temper but she doesn't blurt out mean things, more so she gets passive aggressive and starts to ignore.
Likes: Dancing, Coloring books, Pink, Making friends, and Cute things
Dislikes: Spiders, Her parents, and Wet Socks (ik that sounds unimportant but it affects her mood)
Appearance: She has a bob cut, it's curly at the ends. Her hair is pastel pink. Akira has very tanned skin, with pink and black symbolic streaks on her arms and legs and neck. Akira has one completely white eye and the other is completely black. She draws black freckles on her cheeks and nose, and uses a lot of dark pink blush on her cheeks. Akira has a surprisingly muscular build.
Quirk: Shadow Monster
Quirk Description: She becomes taken over by another being in her body, and protective "armor" representing the being comes onto her shoulders and head, she grows large pointy horns, fangs, and claws (think Wolverine but the claws are covered in black hard dragon type scales). Wing like platforms come out of her back, lifting her up in the air a bit. Her senses are heightened majorly, and her speed and strength increases.
Quirk drawbacks: While she is fast and strong, control is something she needs to work on. She can easily lose herself to the shadow being and fights on pure adrenaline until she passes out.

Her mood also affects her quirk, if she's sad, she becomes weaker and ends up having to run away. If she's mad, she becomes slower, and sometimes her quirk just messes itself up as if the being with her doesn't want to come out. If she's sick, fighting with her quirk isn't an option. She has to rely on her own physical capabilities and her brain.

If she over works herself completely, she can fall into a coma. (It's only happened once.)
Hero Name: TokaToka
Hero Costume: A black long sleeved dress that goes down to the floor with holes where her claws and wings can come out of. A white "belt" is around her waist with a katana in it. She becomes barefoot with her wing like platforms taking her need for shoes. She also has white gloves with holes so her quirk can properly work.
Best friends: I say she fits with the Baku Squad, but mainly talks to Mina and Denki.
Enemies: She has none, she doesn't care for the villains and so she doesn't care enough to acknowledge someone she dislikes.
Crush: Kirishima
Why they like their crush: Kirishima is just so nice and friendly, she became attracted to it.
Why they wanna be a hero: To beat the bad guys, and get rid of the crime.
Casual: A pink baggy oversized sweater, white shorts, suspenders with mustaches on them, pink and white stripped knee high socks, black boots, and big black glasses with no lens.
Formal: A wine red gothic doll dress, black stockings, and mary janes, she also wears black jewellery.
Family: Her 4 older brothers and her grandparents
Backstory: Well..she hates her parents. Like so much to the point where she left home at 8 to live with her grandmother. Her parents were dirty disgusting people, that killed without Mercy. They were horrible parents to, if it wasn't for her brothers that spent most of their time working, she could've been in a horrible condition.
Passwords: Denki and Fatgum

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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