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A girl, sitting outside a grand castle in late September. The cold wind whistled as the trees danced against the clouded, grey sky. She could hear the subtle patter of the rain as she stared into nothingness. She felt a familiar heaviness on her chest as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. She could hear the soft sounds of the piano playing 'Claire de Lune', a song that was once her favorite but now only brought a lump to her throat. She felt her hair getting more and more soaked by the second but couldn't care less. For she knew that she was alone and was going to be, till her last breath. And with that, an almost terrifying numbness took over her as she came to the realization that she only had herself. For all good things came to an end, and love was no exception.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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