Chapter 2

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A/N okay so we got some drama everyone loves drama but not much, so let's begin!\

Isabel's POV

Truing off my alarm I got ready dressing in nice clothes instead of normal wear grabbing my book looking at the mirror once more, I quickly ran out the door to the car waiting for me we quickly drove to the compound I got out of the car and quickly said my goodbyes so they could leave and be on time for school.

When the head of security came out " Uh? hello? who are you?" he asked me with his hand on his belt to warn me he had a gun " Hi, I am Dr. Banners Intern? The high school student?" I said to him and showed him the paper, he looked at it and nodded saying to follow him. We walked in and the head of security who I learned to be Happy Hogan showed me to Dr. Banner's lab.

Happy knocked on the door to announce my arrival " Uh Dr you intern is here" he said then exited the room, Dr. Banner was shocked when he saw me recognizing me from last night. I sighed extending my hand " Hi Dr. Banner I'm Isabel the high school intern you picked, I have to say I'm very excited to work here with you and can't say how grateful I am that I was picked." I said with a smile but he looked at me with disbelief.

" what are you playing at?" he asked me trying to move away from me I looked at him strangely" Dr. Banner if this is about last night I ensure you I am over my vendetta about getting my venges on the avengers," I said to him with a straight face while moving to the empty table to put my bag down. I turned back to him " Dr. Banner please I ensure you I am just here to work and learn that's it." I said once more.   He nodded then began giving me direction, sighing I knew this would be a long few months, I worked quietly as I felt an intense stare at the back of my head.

A few hours passed when Gorge came barging in " hey smarty pants having fun?" He said walking over to me I turned to him with a smile " fantastic." I said to him he frowned " don't worry about it." I said to him before he could say something to me, just then Riley came in I smiled " hey stranger." I said to him with a smile.

"Hi Izzy Missed you today at school, but does this mean you get to quite all of those jobs?" he asked me, I laughed " uh no because If I get told I'm off the internship the I have no job, I just won't work so many hours I think. I need a way to live guys any day now I'm gonna be kicked out." I said to both of them before turning around to finish the sentence I was writing before being interrupted.

" Izzy we told you that you can stay here!" Riley said that is when Dr. Banner stepped in " Riley don't you even think about it, your dad's already not happy that's only adding to it."  Dr. Banner said to the boys then turned back to his work pretending he wasn't listing. I smiled " Look you guys I aeprecate it but you know why I can't and it's not because of Ryan either, if he saw me I don't know what I would do, I'm still upset I don't care under brainwashed or not." I said to them before moving to put my things away, " I love you guys and I love that you are thinking of me but I have been on my own since I was seven years old remember, I can take care of it." I said to them.

Before even getting a chance to protest I kicked them out saying I had to leave before I was late for work, I cleaned up my station and then turned to Dr. Banner I sighed " uh goodnight Dr. Banner I will see you in a day or two." I said to him then began walking away.

" are you homeless Isabel?" he asked me I dead stopped in my tracks and turned to him not knowing what to even say or how to respond " did- Did the avengers do that to you? did we make you homeless?" He asked me once more.  I shook my head " It's better if it's let alone Dr. Banner I really must be going." I said then tried to walk away when I was once again stopped.

" Please answer, I have to know." He said I turned back around and sighed " No, the avengers did not make me homeless, yes I am being kicked out of my home but that's not the avengers doing."I said to him, and he stared at me for a bit " then why do you wish to hurt us?" He asked I looked at him with wide eyes. " The Avengers didn't make me homeless but they did take away my parents. At the age of seven, you can only collect so much money, I used all the money my parents saved and I ran out eventually the landlord found out and said I had a month to pay late bills with fees or I was out." I said to him turning to leave before I could be asked any more questions.

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