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i want to start this off by saying im sorry. im unsurprisingly inconsistent in my writing, as ive always been, so i will be discontinuing this book.

its been a rough ride; i started this back in january of 2018 and its already coming up on the 3 year anniversary. which is kinda wow to me because ive never kept a book going for almost 3 years and now im ending it lol.

but, to be honest, i started it without any ideas whatsoever, no plot, no direction, nothing, so im not surprised im unable to continue. my likes have also changed over the years. i started listening to bts' music back in early 2015, just before they released their first hyyh album and i managed to stay liking them for longer than i thought i would, but its slowly been dwindling, especially as they grow more and more popular.

so. honestly. ive lost all interest in this book. i still love bts, i still listen to their music on ocassion, but im just not as invested in them anymore. i feel bad that im leaving this book without an ending, but it cant be helped.

anyway. thank you, and goodbye.

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