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I want to thank a specific person...but she ain't on wattpad so I can't really say it here since she doesn't know anything about this xD

Enjoy the story and don't forget to comment :3 


Azor walked towards the lower ends of the town, nearing the bars. He looked around. The houses weren’t well built anymore, like the Mourille’s house. These were simpler. Brown, two floored buildings cramped together with just few differences on the outside. The bars stood out more. They usually had differently colored doors, so that they were easy to find.
Now he was looking for the ‘Singing Mermaid’, where his crew were regulars. He soon found it, as it had a clean blue color. He sighed and entered the bar. It was lively, as usual, but he could easily see his own crewmates. They were all elderly now, most of them should retire soon was all he could think off. Maybe they wanted just one last job, before quitting?
   He sighed and quickly made a sign to some of his men and told them that they were going to gather on the ship as soon as possible, as soon as they had sobered up. As soon as it had been spread, he turned and left again. The moment he got outside he let out his breath. His clothes would smell like tobacco and alcohol until he washed them. He stretched and started walking down the street, towards the harbor.
   Azor looked at all the kids running around. He was one of them, when he was younger. At least when he was on shore. He soon entered the harbor and looked around until he felt his stomach rumble. It was time for lunch, apparently, so he went into his cabin to find something. He stood just inside the door and scratched the back of his head. His room was dirty and clearly filthy. There were papers and books and maps everywhere. Some plates laid around still, after some dinners probably. Maybe I should clean up? He thought, and then began putting the books in shelves on the walls and looked through the papers. He found some half old bread, which he immediately put in his mouth before he continued the cleaning. He sorted the papers according to what they had written on them and put them in different shelves. He heard footsteps on the deck outside and reacted to it. Maybe someone had went back earlier? He finished the cleaning and took a last look, it looked better now, and then went outside to check.
   Outside he couldn’t find anyone at first, but just to be sure he searched the whole deck. He still couldn’t find anything, so he shrugged and turned around to walk back into his cabin. When he turned around he saw a shorted figure in front of him. It was a young boy, around his own age. Out of reflex he jumped but then stood firm and looked into the boy’s green eyes. He had quite short, blonde hair and looked like a girl, but still as a boy. He had a brown fabric hat on, and normal village clothes. Nothing special about him.
   “What are you doing here?” Azor asked him slowly. “You don’t have permission to get onboard.” He added, not accusing just noted it. The boy took hold of the hat’s edge and fiddled with it while trying to get his voice out.
   “I-I’m looking fo-for a job” the boy answered. Apparently this boy was still not in puberty, a late bloomer as they called it.
   “So what can you do? Why should I hire you?” Azor asked sharply.
   “I-I can do a-anything, sir” the boy answered. The captain eyed the boy, he was shorter but still around the same age. He could probably be on lookout or clean, cook or things like that.
   “What’s yer name then, boy?”
   “Jack…Mirror, sir” he answered. Azor nodded slowly, but didn’t make a comment. That was an orphanage name, and the boy might have ran away from it.
   “Well then, welcome onboard Jack Mirror” the captain said and held out his hand for the boy to take. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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