𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗛𝘂𝘀𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗱

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One girl and boy were ensconced on their respective chair, keeping silence between them.

"Hi, How are you?" feeling awkward, the guy started their conversation with a formal smile. The girl softly replied - "I am good...how about you?"

"I am too fine." He said in boyish grin, and picked up the glass to drink some water, and bring energy in his exhausted body.

"So, what do you do?" The girl asked in hesitant look, and he spoke in professional tone - "I am a chartered accountant, besides that I'm applying for CFA exams, and I'm working under my cousin uncle for experience and knowledge. What about you?"

"I have done B. Ed. and hoping to work as a teacher in school. After marriage." She replied in anxious smile, and the expression of boy instantly turned so furious.

"Listen to me carefully, when i was 18, my dad died in an car accident and we lost him, since then me and my elder brother is handling our father's bussiness and our education simultaneously. We didn't had time to even eat our meal, we engrossed ourselves so much in earning money that we forgot we have our own life too. We have recently purchased our own floor in Malabar Hill. it's the repercussions of our day and night hardwork, we didn't given much time to our mom. Because we were so busy in dealing with clients, taking orders, going to college, revising chapters...so you can understand how much has we struggled to embellish our own house and bussiness." The guy spoke his struggling story in blank look, feeling hard to keep check on his tears which are threatening to fall out of his eyes anytime soon. He fish out his handkerchief, and wipe his sweating face roughly.

"It's so sad to know that you lost your father at very young age. It must have been very arduous for you and your brother, to maintain your studies and business. But can i know, why are you telling me this, when i said about working after marriage?" The girl said with apprehensive expression, trying to control her galloping heart.

"I don't want to hide anything from you, so my meaning is clear. I don't want you to do job after marriage, my bhabhi herself has done LLB, still she is staying in our house as housewife. So if you want to marry me, l mean if we will marry to each other, my only condition would be that you will not work anywhere. Even if they're paying you billions, i want you to take care of my mom and keep her happy. She has sacrificed so much for both of us, now i want my wife to take her out for the morning walk, gossip with her during snacks time, and don't make her feel the absence of any of us. That's it." The boy spoke with nonchalant smile, and grab the menu book to order cup of coffee for himself.

"Ok i do understand your love and concern for your mother, but you can't stop me or your future wife from working. It depends upon her, if she's interested in doing job then what's wrong in that?" The girl tried to be polite with him, because his demand was extremely very silly and illogical.

"Yeah i know it depends upon her if she's willing to work or not, but i can't allow my wife. Sorry, i have seen many girls till now and they too like you were asking me to permit them for job. But I can't, Come-on...me and my brother is earning good amount of money, we are capable of fulfilling every wishes of our wives then what is the need to work outside? Why just can't they stay inside house, and focus on my mom and kitchen chores?" The guy was sounding very rude and impolite now, why don't he search for any maid instead of wife?

"Why don't you clearly tell me that you want a full-time maid for your house?" The girl said with sarcastic smile, and he frowned at her statement.

"If you think cooking for your family, spending time with your mother-in-law, and working for them 24/7 makes you maid. Then why do you do this all in your own house? why don't you tell them that you're not maid." The guy spoke with coolest smile on his lips, and the girl blinks cluelessly. It was true that she helps her mother in home chores, wash dirty utensils, cleans the floor everyday, iron their clothes, cooks sometimes as well, If she can do this for her family, then why not for her husband and in-laws? Even they're also going to be a part of her life.

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