Waking Up

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You wake up. The only sound you can hear is the sound of the rain from the other side of the window that fills the entire room in it's low murmur. You can feel a glowing of warmth from the blanket around you, and sink in to it. Without even bothering so much as to open your eyes, you let the almost musical melody of the rain almost lull you back to sleep.

That is, until you start to hear what you can only think to describe as the sound of soft snoring from behind you. A little slower then suddenly, you start to open your eyes and see that your not where you would have assumed you were. And that unlike on a normal morning your not alone.

For a moment, you freak out. I mean how could you not. you'd normally assume you're be in your own bed room. And given your current circumstances should be alone.

But then you remember,  your at his house. Then...you really remember. And after that, your head starts spinning. Spinning really fast and, really hard. He's just supposed to be a friend, and if you'd fallen asleep like this anytime before had it and you would have been fine. But it had to be the be the night that he decided to come clean and tell you.

And honestly if you'd been in any other circumstances, any ones other then the ones you were drowning in, then well...things would have been perfect. But they weren't, instead they were awkward. Awkward cause you don't see how you did notice,  awkward cause he knows what happened only 2 or so weeks before...and awkward cause you didn't want to say no...but you had to.

You had to tell him that you could only be friends, and he seemed fine with it. But that didn't stop what happened from happening.

And now your head is whirling, and your stomach sinks under the weight of your thoughts. But not the kind of thoughts about how you'd hope it's actually lead somewhere. But the kind of thoughts that hoped he didn't and that it was all just nothing, cause nothing was all it should have been.

All of a sudden, a pair of arms you didn't notice earlier snaked tighter around you. Pulling your back closer then it already was to to his chest, and resting his head in the nape of your neck. you then realize that the glow of heat you'd been rapped in had been him.

For some reason, this small action calms you down enough for the weight of you thoughts to ease and your stomach to calm down. With out warning, he suddenly kisses your neck and you snap out of every thought you were just having. And you feel a warm glow spread across your face.

"Good morning" a low deep whisperer rises from right behind you. "You sleep good?" He ask you placing another kiss on your neck.

"Yeah" you yawn out, not yet fully awake. "How was yours?" You ask as you reposition your self to stretch just a bit. Some how, if even possible, he repositions himself around you and is actually closer this time.

"Like a rock" he whispers, kissing your neck one more time. You reach to the window ledge and pick up the icy cold plastic of your phone. Turning the screen on, you see 2 things. 1st is that your phone is about to die and should probably be plugged in. Pulling your self from his embrace, you sit up and plug you phone in to where you know he has a charger.

The 2nd thing is that its only 8, and you don't have to go to work till 12. Knowing that you choose to let go of everything you were thinking, lay back down in the warm glow of his arms...and let the rain lull you back to sleep.


Hello every one :P
This short story was just some practice but I hope you liked it and leave me some feed back so I can make my future writings more and more awesome x3

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