Chapter III

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PERCY JACKSON DECIDED THAT HE WAS NOT A fan of Annabeth Chase the moment she snapped at Dittany.

From the way that Dittany flinched, taking a step back like she really didn't expect what Annabeth said, and the way that Annabeth suddenly looked sorry, she didn't mean what she said. But Percy didn't care.

Annabeth had hurt his best friend.

Earlier, Percy had just woke up and found Dittany doting over him worriedly while Annabeth Chase, who he had previously known as annoying blond and grey eyed girl, kept pestering him with questions about whatever the fuck the summer solstice was. Dittany was quiet and just kept checking on some pole next to his bed.

She had a few new scars herself, aside from the old scratches on her face that just made her intimidating rather than ugly, from the battle with the Minotaur and getting impaled two times, but she had pulled up fine. Which made Percy embarrassed, because there he was, still lying in bed when he didn't get stabbed at all. Dittany saw that he woke up and told him fondly, "You drool in your sleep."

Fast forward to Dittany muttering how it should have been her who got killed by the Minotaur, not Sally Jackson, because Sally didn't deserve to die, and the whole point of Dittany's existence was to fight monsters and die a tragic death like a lot of Greek heroes. Grover and Percy both protested about that, saying no one should have died.

Fast forward again to Dittany and Annabeth introducing him to Cabin Eleven, the Hermes cabin. Then they went out and some mean girl named Clarisse La Rue tried to give him a swirly, Annabeth not trying to defend him and her holding back Dittany, in which Percy somehow made the plumbing blow up, making La Rue's gang and herself soaked.

Annabeth had been wet as well, but Dittany was perfectly dry, and if his eyes weren't deceiving him, Percy swore he saw a fire die out from her hair. But his eyes must've been deceiving him, because her hair looked perfectly fine, with no burns.

Then it led to the present, where Percy asked Annabeth why she had come to camp so young, and she had replied immediately with, "None of your business."

"Annie, don't be rude." Dittany scolded.

"Stop trying to get in conversations you're not apart of!" the blond snapped at the daughter of Hephaestus, who flinched from the sudden response and stepped back, not expecting the outburst.

Annabeth immediately softened, about to apologize, but Percy glared at her. "So I could just walk right out of here if I want to?" he asked, but there was a coldness to his voice now. He didn't like people who snapped at his best friends.

She glared right back at him.

Dittany seemed uncomfortable with the tension and murmured, "I need to talk to Claudia about something. See you at dinner, Percy,"

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