Sam Almost Spilled the Beans

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Two princes and Charizard were sitting on top of Imperial Palace that's in China as they watching fireworks. Samli asked while he was leaning on Guy's chest, "Don't you think it's so magical?" Guy said, "Yeah." He looked at Samli. He still wonder if it's really the same man from the marketplace. He decided to give it a shot.

Guy said, "It's too bad that Mr Jenkins will miss it." "Yeah. He really loves fireworks. He'll stare at all of those colors all night long." Samli said not realizing what he just said until it was too late. He accidentally told Guy his little secret. "Oh no. I've done it this time."

Guy moved a little to look at Samli and asked, "So you are that man from the market. Would you like to explain to me why you lied to me, Samli? Or should I say, Sam-I-Am?" Sam said, "I can explain." He said, "Then you should start telling me who are you and I want the truth." Sam looked at Charizard that it was using its body language to tell Guy the truth. He has no other choice but start telling him.

Sam said, "It's true. I am that man from the market. Mr Jenkins got me out before they were doing something awful to me." Guy said, "So, Snerz is lying. He said that they beheaded you." He said, "I'm not. I'm still alive. And I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that I was that same guy you've met. I just don't want to get caught. Cause you see, I sometimes dressed myself as a normal citizen so I can get away from the palace." Wait. That wasn't a part of a true story! Charizard groaned disappointed.

Guy asked, "Then why didn't you tell me that you were a prince before?" Samli lied, "Well, you know, royalties walking around in the city in disguise is sounds very strange. Don't you think?" He chuckled said, "No, not really." He brought Samli very close to him and let the false prince lay his head on his chest. The three of them continued watching some fireworks.

Charizard flew back to Agrabah to take the princes back to the palace. Guy decided to take Samli to his room first before going to his. Samli jumped off to the balcony of the guest room and Guy followed. Samli said, "Well, goodnight, my big handsome Prince." Guy said, "You sleep well too, my little one." Charizard went behind Samli and lifted him up to get to the same height as Guy's. Samli and Guy moved closer to each other's faces and pressed their lips together.

They pulled back breaking their first kiss. Samli jumped off of Charizard's head and walked to his room. He looked back to looked at Guy who smiled at him. Samli smiled back before walked inside his room. Guy sighed happily before got on Charizard's back and it took him back to his royal bedroom. As soon Charizard dropped Guy off and the Prince walked in his room, Charizard flew back to the guest room. But someone was watching the whole thing.

"Are you sure that this Prince Samli is actually Sam? The same Sam-I-Am?" Snerz asked from the magic crystal ball. Yes Man said, "Oh yes, Mr Snerz. There is no doubt that he has the lamp." Snerz smirked evilly and said, "Splendid! The little Sammy has my lamp and escaped from the rat hole. Well, no matter. I'll have the lamp, Agrabah, and that little thief all in one. It'll be like taking three candies from a baby." He evil laughed.

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