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Another simple concept. People feel affection towards others. People can show affection. Love and affection go hand in hand. Most likely, if you love someone you feel some sort of affection towards them. Whether that be romantic or platonic. But why do we show affection? Some people may answer,
"To show we care."
But why do we feel the need to show we care? What do we gain from it? Is it to obtain that bubbly feeling in your chest you get when someone smiles at you? Or to be rewarded with what people call "a kiss". Did we just wake up one day and say,
"Hey, I want affection."
Or once more were humans simply born with that trait? Did we automatically crave the feeling of wanting to be loved, to be cared for, to show affection? If so then why have I've never been shown affection, nor given it? I want someone to show me affection. I want to experience that bubbly feeling in my chest when someone smiles at me. I want to feel someone's lips upon my own.

I want you to show me affection.

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