{Sequel} 1 - Memories

499 16 25

Dedicated to anthonyanddeclan ❤️


Ant's head was banging and he felt miserable and shit over all. He knew he drank a lot last night but he didn't know it would be this bad to wake up. Actually, he didn't even know how he had gotten home.

He was still standing in the living room scratching his neck, Dec staring at him, when suddenly a memory hit him. It was... it was him and Dec pressed against a wall. He snapped his head around and stared at Dec and Dec stared back and Ant could see something odd in his best friend's facial expression, it was hurt.

'Oh my God' Ant thought and put a hand over his mouth. Could it be that they kissed? Could that really have happened? His mind was messing with him, he knew that, maybe it hadn't happened and it was just his imagination. He shook his head and sighed and approached Dec to sit down next to him.

"Declan" he said in full shock when Dec moved away from him on the sofa. "I... Did we... err... I just... I was so drunk and I can't remember but did we-?"

"Hello boys."

Suddenly, Lisa appeared out of nowhere and laughed at them. "Ended on the sofa again for you Dec, didn't it? Seriously, you two look like shit. Don't you have to work today? It's already 9am."

"Shit" Ant exclaimed and immediately grabbed his head when another wave of pain hit it. "I need a painkiller" he groaned and sighed.

"I'll get you one, sweetheart" Lisa smiled and pecked his head. "I told you a thousand times before not to drink when you have work in the morning" she chuckled and Ant knew she meant it in a loving way and oh how he wished he had for once listened to her.

"I'm going home to get ready" Dec said monotonously and stood up without looking at Ant again.

"Declan" Ant sighed and grabbed his arm, but Dec shook him off quite forcefully.

"What?" he growled and Ant was quite taken aback by the tone in his voice, so he let him be and watched as Dec walked out the door.

"Wow, grumpy, eh?" Lisa laughed and handed Ant the pill. "Eww you are rank, get a shower before you go" she added and chuckled again.

"What the hell is so funny?" Ant snapped and took the tablet. Lisa's face fell and he immediately regretted shouting. "I'm sorry, love, I am just knackered."

"Just go and get a shower" Lisa sighed and walked out the room as well.

'Great' Ant thought and slowly got up. He still felt like shit and he hoped the shower would do him good. He still didn't know what had happened the night before but with Dec's reaction he wondered if his memory was really true.

Once he stood under the shower his thoughts were racing his mind. He closed his eyes and tried to relax, but his mind just wouldn't stop. Could it be that they had kissed? Could it be that he had kissed Declan?! His best friend Declan?! Well, that surely couldn't be, he would never do that, he would never-

"Because you, Mr. Donnelly, look fucking handsome tonight!"

Ant's eyes snapped open and he stared at the wall in front of him, the warm water still pouring down on his body. No, this couldn't be, no no no. He hadn't actually said that to Dec, had he? He groaned in frustration and tried to get rid of those words ringing in his ears.

But of course Ant thought about it, over and over again. Could this be actually true? He punched the wall in front of him in frustration and immediately regretted it as pain shot through his fingers.

Why now?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt