Odd One Out

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My heart is pounding.

All I see is the pearly white reserved specially for hospitals.

I hear sobs and turn to see who is marking the gross noise.

I see my family.

"What the fuck Kai," Benjimin says coldly, taking off his mask.

"Kai... br-" Violet cuts herself off. "Wait, no. You're not my friend or my bro. I don't see you as a brother anymore," She spits.

"What the hell dude?" Zeke says, looking disgusted.

"I hope you burn," Mathew says, glaring at me. If looks could kill. Behind him Josiah flips me off.

"You're so fucking dumb Kai," Chloe says, looking away. 

Liam just sits on a bench, ignoring the whole conversation.

Benjimin always keeps on his mask.

Violet always thought of me as a friend and brother.

Zeke would never look disgusted because of me.

Mathew would never tell me to burn, and Josiah would never flip me off.

Chloe never swears and always told me that I was one of the smartest guys she knows and that she would never call me stupid or dumb.

Liam always talks, even if it's about nothing.

Why the hell aren't Mom and Dad scolding them for swearing and talking to me like that?!

Wait. Where's Sammy? They would never pass up a chance to make fun of me.

"Turn around," Violet says, looking away. "And in case you haven't noticed, Sammy isn't like you. They don't take joy in making fun of people," she adds in a murmur, and I don't know if she was talking to me or herself. I forgot her power was mind reading.

I turn around and see them. Sammy on a hospital bed.

"What happened to that freak?" I ask, scoffing at the fact that thing was getting so much attention.

"You did this to them!!!" Liam yells, launching himself at me, and in the process almost knocking me over. Who does this bitch think he is?! I stumble out of the way, but lose my balance. I fall and Liam jumps on me, punching me. The fags Mathew and Josiah rush over to pull him off, but even the two of them have trouble Liam off. When they do, they hand him to Benjimin, who hugs him and comforts him in a low voice.

Then the unimaginable happens. The heart rate monitor starts to beep, but not a "They just woke up from a bad dream and their heart rate is up" beep. A long, continuous beep. A "They just flatlined" beep.

Doctors rush in, and start trying to revive them. After 5 tries, one of the doctors makes eye contact with another doctor and shakes her head. Mom sees and collapses into Dad's arms, sobbing.

Liam starts to cry.

Chloe sits down and cries.

Benjimin grips Liam's shirt tightly, and holds Liam against himself as Liam cries. He himself sheds a single tear. It rolls slowly down his face, washing away a thin layer of dirt. Don't even fucking ask me why he has dirt on his face.

Mathew sits down slowly, stunned. Josiah sits with him and holds his hand. Ew.

Zeke stands up and walks over to me.

He slaps me.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I screech, bringing a hand up to my face.

"You have no right to 'what the hell' me! I agreed to hang out with you!! Not kill people!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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