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Makoto pressed a bright green button on the side of the metal hatch and walked next to Byakuya, who took his hand.

The hatchet made a loud beep sound and then opened slowly. I looked outside to see a bright-blue sky and dirt and rocks on the ground.

"Junko must've lied about the events happening outside" I thought to myself. 

Yasuhiro then ran outside praising all kinds of gods. I walked outside and smiled a little.

Then the world around me became blurry and I was dizzy, I collapsed to the ground and blacked out.


I awoke in a lounge like room with my friends, who I escaped with, laying on chairs.

I got up and started to look around. There was a large flat screen tv in the center of the room, a locked door to the side and then a empty bookshelf against one of the walls, no clues to where we were though.

Aoi soon jumped up and looked around, she had a terrified look on her face. Soon enough Toko, Makoto, Byakuya and Yasuhiro woke up.

Toko soon said "D-Do yo-you think we are in an-another g-game... ?"

I quickly replied saying "I don't think we are in another, after all, we all saw Junko die right in front of us." I wasn't 100% sure but I hoped it was true.

The large TV then turned on and we saw Monokuma.

Everyone was either scared or shocked.

Monokuma then said "Gooooood Morning Everyone! You might be wondering 'We won! Where are we? What happened?' Well, Im here to answer all those questions!"

Everyone was silent

"Well first off, let me explain a few things. You all came from Hope's Peak Academy and Junko Enoshima had the marvelous idea of creating a Television show based around the killing game. Its official name was Danganronpa but you guys don't need to know that! Puhuhuhuhu~"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways, you all lost your memories of Hope's Peak and were transferred into a very nice replica of the school where the game was hosted! All the executions and murders were faked sadly... I would've loved if they were real though!" I glared at the television.

"Heres some aaaaaaaaaaamazing news! Everyone who was 'killed' during the game is on the other side of that door which will be unlocked after this is over! None of you could just 'bear' seeing all your friends die now could you?"

"You are currently in a lobby of the television company who broadcasted the game. Well have a wonderful day everyone! Puhuhuhuhu!~" The TV then shut off and left us in silence.

"Sayaka, Leon, Chihiro, Mondo, Taka.... They're all alive?" I thought to myself.

Aoi then said "Well... who wants to meet with the others again...?"

"I never really knew anyone that well but why the heck not?" Yasuhiro replied

"W-well I-i'm not going w-without master!" Toko said

Makoto was in a phase of extreme shock and just sat there, slumped over, staring at his feet. Byakuya noticed this and sighed "I'll stay here with the peasant and get him to calm down."

"W-Well then I-I'm staying too!" Toko exclaimed

Byakuya glared at her and she quickly said "A-Actually n-never mind..."

Aoi nodded and walked over to the door. "You guys ready?" I nodded and Yasuhiro exclaimed "Hell ya!" Aoi quickly opened the door and we all walked in


A/N: This story originally was from AO3 which, for reasons I will not say, have quit. So I am rewriting and republishing this story on here :D

Word Count: 562


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