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The journey on the Hogwarts Express was quite enjoyable. What I loved most about it was gazing out the window at the plethora of trees, hills and just the changing scenery every minute. We talked for hours, Pansy telling us about her holiday, Blaise about the Quidditch World Cup and Draco complaining (as always) about everything.

As the wheels of the train screeched to a halt, everyone sort of... paused as if the realisation that we were finally home had settled in. The rain was beating hard against the window and the rumbling of thunder could be heard in the distance. I stepped off the train, only to find myself drenched in seconds..

Once we had got off the carriage and made our way up the stone steps, through the Entrance Hall, we emerged into the Great Hall. It looked magnificent, I was instantly hit with the warmth from the fire and the ceiling, which was bewitched to look like the sky above, now dull and thundering.

Sometimes I like to watch how people walk to their house table, it gives you a good indication if they belong there or if they were just so desperate that the hat took pity on them, real Slytherins always looked proud to be one as we practically strutted towards our table. We sat down at the Slytherin table and waited for the first year sorting ceremony to begin.

"God, I hate this, why do I have to watch these toddlers get sorted?" ridiculed Draco.

"Do you have to complain about everything? That's all you've done the whole time we've talked" replied Blaise, with a bored expression across his face.

"Just shut up, I didn't ask you" scorned Draco.

Blaise scoffed to himself before turning to me and whispering, "What's got his wand in a knot?"

I chuckled and looked at Draco who gave me a sceptical look before turning his back to us.

After finally watching the sorting, Dumbledore announced the feast to begin and all sorts of appetising nourishment filled the plates. The smell made my mouth water and the sound of chatter poured into the room, everyone piling their plates high with food.

Eventually, the food ceased to be visible and we all expected Dumbledore to instruct us to head to our dormitories, but instead he made the most thrilling announcement ever. The Triwizard Tournament was to be held this year!

"Are any of yous going to put your name in?" I asked hardly able to contain my excitement.

"Pfft, what's the point in embarrassing myself in front of everybody, I wouldn't do it if I were you either" mocked Draco.

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Aww, is Draco too scared to try out? Aww, poor Draco" I then did a fake sob and everyone else started cracking up laughing.

"You know, I don't know who you think you are to talk to me like that so I suggest you shut your mouth, Letrova" . Draco narrowed his eyes.

I smirked before replying, "Make me" and raised my eyebrows.

Draco stared at me. Hard. But it wasn't in a nasty way. There was almost the sense of longing in his eyes.

I almost had to drop the gaze before Theo exclaimed "Ooooooooo" winking at Draco. I expected Draco to snap at Theo but he didn't.

Then Dumbledore made the unfortunate speech that students only at the age of 17 or over could put their name in the cup.

I heard the Weasley twins shouting. "THATS RUBBISH!!" from the Gryffindor table and for once I had to agree with them.

The disappointment I felt was unbelievable. But there was also a sense of relief that I wouldn't be dying in a tournament anytime soon.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang and rain started pouring on us from the bewitched ceiling. But someone stopped it with a flash of their wand. His face was unlike anyone's I had ever seen before. There were scars and scratches covering it and he had a large, round as a coin, eye that moved incessantly , without blinking and was rolling in every direction. It was Mad-Eye Moody. When Dumbledore announced him to be our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher I got a sudden feeling of dread. Something about him did not feel right.

We were also told that the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang would be arriving for the Tournament. I was exhilarated for this because one of my good friends, Fleur Delacour was a student at Beuxbatons. Everyone around us clapped and cheered at this news however Draco was still staring at me. He hadn't mentioned another word since our last conversation which was strange, he usually always had some snarky comment to make back.

As we were led down to the dungeons, Draco and I still didn't speak. I could feel his eyes burning through the back of my head as we walked along the corridor to the common room. I couldn't help but be confused in how to feel. I didn't understand Draco sometimes, just like my parents. Therefore I had no incline as to what he was thinking.

"Are you coming straight to bed?" asked Pansy as we entered the common room.

"Yeah, it's been a long day" I answered.

"We're going too" yawned Blaise.

When we reached the top of the staircase to the dorms, I turned to see if Draco was still staring at me but he beat me to it. He had been walking on the outskirts of our group- almost like an outcast when usually he was the leader. His platinum blonde hair hung down over his forehead, contrasting with bright grey eyes and pale skin with no blemish or fault in sight. And as we reached the doors of our dorms Draco's cold eyes snapped up right into mine.

"Night, Letrova" he muttered.

"Night, Malfoy" I replied.

He never said night to anyone.

The rest of the night, as I got ready for bed and said goodnight to Pansy, Daphne and our other two dorm members, my mind was racing.

I lay there, in the dark, listening to the faint waves of the lake and strong howls of wind, staring up into the blackness. Draco acted extremely peculiar in the Hall, never in my time in Hogwarts could I recall a time when someone managed to silence Draco. I remembered the intense looks he was giving me.

What happened?

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