field trip day !.

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I didn't mean to look ,italia is so beautiful . Despite the fact of her hair blowing , she amazes me everyday .
Italia speaks :the new boy has arrived ,is he coming she said to her friend Cathy ?.
Cathy speaks :he so dreamy ,just look at him ..he's walking this way omg !.
Italia speaks :Don't get your hopes up! he's probably like the other guys here .
Cathy speaks:why would you point that out italia?.
Italia speaks :it's true cathy !boys are no good ! .I can tell you ,I have a boy bestfriend .
Cathy speaks :They are not good to you ,why do you judge boys because of something one guy did?.
Italia speaks:I am not ! ,I'm just explaining to you that boys are no good for us .
Cathy speaks :Us ??no good ?.
Nelson speaks:why must you think of such thing italia ?.
The new boy jard:I said the same ,excuse me !but I don't think you should think all guys are the same .
Cathy speaks :exactly jard !
Nelson:who are you dude ?.
Italia:he's just a new boy in my class ,No big deal .
Nelson:no big deal?
Jard: Yes I'm new here and time for us to go on our field trip guys .
As everyone walks into the bus ,jard sits next to italia .
Nelson :dude move away from her ,sounding jealous than a skunk with blister eyes .
Italia:Stop !he isn't doing anything nelson .
Nelson :so is that what you on italia ?.
Jard:she's beautiful and I just wanna get to know her ,what's the problem nelson ?.
Italia :I'm really sorry jard .
As they are coming off the bus cathy is looking in dispute and italia is now mad at nelson .
They are not speaking as he walks towards another teachers line away from everyone .
Italia stands there wondering what's wrong with her best friend .The whole trip is going wonderful ,They went sit seeing and now it's 2:00 time to leave and everyone is back on the bus now .Nelson seems to be having a rough they as thoughts race through his head about losing italia .She looks back at nelson and they both stare at each other for about 5 seconds until italia moves away from jard and sits with nelson the whole ride back .They talked the entire time and apologise to each other.
Now everyone is back to the school safe and chatting .
Two mintues before the bella ring nelson hugs italia and they all left .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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