Chapter 14

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Fanart of Blaise Zabini drawn by me, your lovely author

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Fanart of Blaise Zabini drawn by me, your lovely author. I've got to say digital art not my strongest skill.

Tarra's plan to be the greatest Slytherin ever went up in flames within the first week of school just like her cure for boils.

"Your flames were too high," said Helen.

Her eyes gleamed as she chewed on the end of her quill.

Tarra scratched that onto her parchment. Snape assigned her an extra essay to make up for her failure of a potion.


Annoyance leaked into her tone and itched at her brain. She swiped at the concealer under her eyes, which Juno offered her because, apparently, Tarra's dark circles rivaled that of the Dark Lords.

Her hand clenched.

As if Juno Malfoy could get good sleep if she spent her night in a maze of mirrors, listening to a raspy, creepy voice say things she couldn't understand. As if Juno Malfoy would be able to deal with learning spells and potions that defied every thing she's ever learned. As if Juno Malfoy had to act like someone she wasn't just to not be despised!

Tarra's quill broke in half. She relaxed her hand. Little crescent shapes indented skin.

"-And you added too much dried nettles and not enough flobberworm mucus. It made your potion too brittle and, well, flammable," continued Helen.

Tarra took a deep breath and rubbed her recently regrown eyebrows.

What a wonderful birthday gift, she thought, some blown off eyebrows and a magical potion that caught fire.

Her attention wandered to the corner of the common room. It always seemed to do when the magical world overwhelmed her.

In an armchair, Blaise hunched over his notebook. His quill flew across the pages. His eyes narrowed in concentration.

Tarra liked to watch him work, and yes, she was aware of how creepy that sounded, but when he worked passion overtook him and it enthralled her. Especially when the light from the Black Lake flickered over him creating an enchanting, green glow over his fine features.

Tarra ~Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now