Middle School. Yay.

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'His hand was cold as she reached for it. The air around them was burning hot, and he was freezing'


Lirana looked back to where her parents car was temporarily parked, only to see that they were already driving off. They'd never waved her goodbye on the first day of school. Or any day of school for that matter. She gripped to the straps of her backpack as she walked up the steps to her new middle school. She reached the gate, and felt her heart drop to her toes. Every year of school, kids would bully her for being "Overweight" and now, her sixth grade year, she was small. Her stomach was now flat, due to running every morning and better eating habits. However, she never really thought she was overweight. Sure, she had a bit of chub, but that didnt mean she wasn't healthy, that didn't mean she was overweight. She was quickly pulled away from her thoughts as an announcement came from one of the speakers around the school campus. "Attention students, Class today will begin five minutes late due to many teachers getting caught in first-day-of-school traffic. That will be all, thank you! have a fantastic day, from Ms. Peach, your new vice principal." She felt a wave of relief come over her body as she realized she had a few minutes to calm herself down before she had to face all of her old school mates, and even some new ones.

      She decided to find her way to her first classroom so she wasn't scrambling to find it and come in late, that would only draw more attention to herself. She looked down at the map the school had mailed her the week before school started. "Near the basket ball courts? Great." She sighed realizing she'd have to cross the whole school yard to get there. She threw her hood up and tried covering up her face as best as possible without drawing too much attention. She peeked out a bit to see a group of the more 'known' girls from her school straight ahead,walking towards her. A panic began to spread over her body as she watched them walk all together kike they owned the place. The suddenly, they stopped. She peeked up once more to see them messing with a boy. The boy was very good looking. His blonde hair was swooped over his forehead, just above his ocean blue eyes. One of the girls in peticular, Serena, stood close to him measuring hands. He laughed with the girls and Lirana took this as the opportunity to sneak past them. As they were all facing him, or looking at their phones, she sped walked past and made it around the corner of the building where her class was.

She decided not to wait directly infront of the door, instead, she stood a few feet away. After about 10 minutes of standing there playing with one of the four bracelets on her wrist, the first bell finally rang. She walked quickly inside only to see a boy already inside. I studied him for a second, Tan skin, brown hair, hazel eyes, and a little camoflauge backpack. He turned when he heard me, and seemed to be studying me himself. I didn't recongnize himm, so I assumed he came from another school. His brown hair was a bit long, it completely covered the front of his forehead like bangs, and went the same length all around his head. His hair had many layers as it went further back behind his head. He smiled at me, and I returned the same warm smile. "Hello" he said quietly, looking at me through his glasses. "Hi" I said smiling. I heard kids begin to fill up the hallways and some began to enter the class. Since I didn't know the boy, I decided a new friend would be of nice comfort. "Mind if I sit?" I asked walking closer to the desk he was at. I tightened my grip on my backpack straps as I waited for a response. "Please" He said patting the spot on the table next to him. "I'm Zach!" He said pulling out a pencil and paper. "I'm Lirana" I said back eagerly. He smiled at me, as I reached into my bag to find my own pencil and paper. Once I had them on my desk, I looked back to Zach, who was watching me, and said "Wanna share a poptart at break?" A smile crawled onto his face as he replied "Of courseeeee." I laughed lightly, then, our teacher walked in and greeted us goodmorning. 

After our 55 minute class, our teacher, Ms. Beth, dismissed us for break. I grabbed my black backpack and shoved my pencil and paper inside. I looked to Zach who did the exact same thing. He looked up to my, a sparkle in his eye, as a smile spread across his face. His crooked smile acompanied by his blue braces, and his hazel eyes companied with a look of passion. I smiled back at him and we walked together out to the court yard. There were many black tables around the court, along with many trees, garbage cans, and loads of students. Zach and I slowed down a bit, when he said, "Theres an empty table over there by the bushes!" I looked to his face to see that same smile, he nudged me and we walked to the table. At the far right of the court yard there was a small four seated table. Next to the table, bushes. The bushes had small yellow flowers scattered all over them. We sat down, and I pulled out the pop tart I said we'd share. I opened the wrappage to the strawberry tart and took one out, I left the other in the package and handed it to Zach. He smiled and thanked me, and for a minute we sat in silence and ate. "So" Zach said before taking the last bite of his tart. After he swallowed, he continued, "Whats your story Li?" I smiled a bit, no one ever really asked me about my life. "well...." And there it began, The best friendship I ever could have. Zach was there, he was there when my parents hurt my feelings and I was so sad at school, He was there for my first heartbreak, he was there when I won my award for the science fair, and he was there to say goodbye to me as I left for science camp over the summer. 

I'd  be gone for nearly the whole summer. By the time I got back I'd have 3 weeks left for summer. We were headed to our eigth grade year, and we were still as close as we'd been since the day we met.

A tear watered in my eye as I saw my bestfriend walking towards me at the bus station, holding a pink envelope, and one yellow flower. He smile when he saw me and walked a bit faster, now ahead of his parents. When he got closer, I saw the envelope he had was a bit bigger than I had expected. He hugged me tight, and with that, my tears came rolling out, ad falling onto his white shirt. He backed away from me and fixed his glasses, the same glasses he wore the day I met him. "Oh stop crying you wuss, I'll be back soon" I said sarcastically patting his shoulder. "Oh?" he gave me an evil look and got on his knees "LIRANA!!! DON'T GO PLEASE!!!". A red color creeped onto my face and I swatted his hands away from me forcing him to stand. He laughed hystarically, and after a few seconds, his contagious laugh hit me, and I laughed to. Once we stopped laughing, he handed me the yellow flower he had got, along with the pink envelope. "Don't open it until you find your seat on the bus" His crooked,braced smile attacked me and I nodded in agreement. "I'll be home soon" I said with certainty in my voice. He nodded and smiled, then pulled me into a hug. I grabbed my backpack and gave my suitcase to the bus manager who placed them in holding compartments. I walked toward the door of the bus, and looked back. I waved to Zach, and he returned by waving back and blowing a kiss. I giggled as I found my seat in the very back row. A singular chair, all for me. I opened the letter Zach had given me, and pulled out the white piece of paper with writing on it. 

                         Li, please don't replace me with some science nerd, I would be seriously hurt.I've                       only ever gone 24 hours without you, so this is gonna be a little weird. I know you're                                scared too, but not to worry, if anything happens you've got people there and I've got                       people here. You can always write to me and I'll ovbiously write back. I've got                                         something important I need to tell you, but I'm gonna tell you when your home. I know             you might think you'll be alone, but your cabin is going to be filled with tons of kids our                       age! Be-friend someone! I'll still be here when you come home. Don't change without                            me  Li! I'm serious!

                                                Love you lots!     


Inside the envelope there was another paper. I pulled it out, and there infront of me was a picture of me and Zach last summer. Our faces close to the camera, arms wrapped around eachother, and huge smiles on our faces. I flipped it over and saw writing on the back "Incase you miss me ;)"

I laughed to myself. I'll miss you Zach.

The Untold Secrets Of Lirana Del ReyWhere stories live. Discover now