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-a few weeks later-

It was finally time to go home. Well, at least home to Zach. I had packed my bags the night before so I could go for a walk before we left. The girls in my cabin were very sweet, and I even got their phone numbers! I made closer friends with two of them, one girl had a bunk underneath mine. Her name is Pheobe, she has long brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. She's a bit taller than me, and she smells like vanilla and sugar. The other girl, is called Iris. Iris has black curly hair and deep brown eyes. She's about the same height as me, and smells like fresh pepermint with a hint of flowers. Pheobe is a very bubbly person, she loves the outdoors and adores food. Iris on the other hand is more proper. She enjoys the outdoors, but much rather read on a balcony instead of hiking up the mountain. However, the one thing the girls mainly have in common, is their skills in doing makeup. During our free time in our cabin, they taught me how to use makeup. We started off simple, with a bit of mascara and lip gloss, then eyelash curlers, then a bit of natural eye shadow. They suggested I stopped wearing my hair in pony tails and buns, and let down my curly hair, so I took the advice. Now, I wear a bit of makeup, my curly hair down, and they offered some fashion advice. As much as I wish we could go shopping together, we can't. Pheobe lives in a small town about an hour away from mine, and Iris lives in the city, 3 and a half hours away. Even if we could hang out, I wouldn't be able to have them over at my house, due to the cruelty of my parents. 

Our cabin leader, Bianca, told us all it was time to head to the cabin hall for breakfast. I walked with Iris and Pheobe as we talked about making plans to meet at Pheobe's. "Lira, I know you said you're parents are....well y'know, but maybe y'all could make it up to my place? Have that boyfriend of yours drop you off?" I adored her small accent, and she was right, I could totally as Zach's Parents to take me! I'm sure they wouldn't mind going on a road trip!! "I could totally ask" I replied smiling. "And what about you Iris?" she said focused on our other friend. "Momma and Papa wouldn't mind, they've got a buisness trip down riverbank for a whole two weeks during winter break! So maybe then?" "Zach's parents have those weeks off too!" I said excitedly as we got to the doors of the cabin hall. "Well then its settled!" We all smiled as I opened the door and allowed them in. As we got in I could smell bacon, and when I looked at the other kids, I saw we were having avocado toast. YES! The girls and I quickly grabbed food and headed to find seats.

-Time skip to after breakfast-

Our cabin leader came up to us just as we were handing out plates to the woman behind the counter. "We'll be heading to the buses in about thirty minutes. That's enough time to get your luggage to the bus, and say your goodbyes til next summer." She kept a straight face while telling us this. I smiled and thanked her and she gave a small effortless smile back. "Well, lets get to our luggage yeah?" Pheobe said. "Yeah" Iris and I replied. 

We got back to our cabin to see three other campies standing there holding something. They turned once the door opened and began to giggle. "I have something I need to tell you something important when you get home" One of the campies said in a mocking tone. It took me a second to realize, they were mocking Zach.  They were mocking my letter. The letter that kept me going all summer. The letter that made me think of Zach every day and night. MY letter. 

"That doesn't belong to you!" I said rudely walking towards the girl. She turned to face me, She has black straight hair, with brown eyes, pale skin,  and a purple streak in her hair. The other girl had blonde locks, blue eyes, warm skin, and a purple pearl necklace. The third and final girl had dark skin, dark wavy hair, green eyes, and gold earings. "I'm sorry?" The first girl said sarcastically, making the other two cackle. She stepped towards me, but her gaze shifted behind me. "That's enough Cloe. Give the girl back her stuff and lets go." I turned to see a boy peaking his head through the door. He was tall, maybe 6'0? He had bright blue eyes, a red knot bracelet, and silver earings with a small chain dangling on one side. He was....gorgeous. I turned back to the girl, who smiled brightly at him. She dropped the letter on the floor in front of me and grabbed the handle on her suit case. I bent down to grab the letter as her and the other two girls walked past. "God I hate pick me girls" Iris said crossing her arms as I stood back up. "Me too." I said, my eyebrows furrowed. "We best get our suitcases, the bus is leaving in 20" I said. The girls nodded and walked to their bunks to grab hold of their luggage. I grabbed hold of mine, and we all started towards the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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