1. Anniversary

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"Good morning, beautiful." Rumbled a warm, gentle voice pressing seductively against her ear. She craned her neck up, sprawling her arms around their disembodied head. Their arms wrapping under her armpits, and around her back-- pulling her inward.

Her cheek pressed against their chest. "Good morning." She yawned, half asleep, deeply inhaling their familiar scent.

"Lay down with me." She whimpered, scooting closer to the wall and rubbing the spot beside her, eyes still closed.

Tyler's rough welder hands brushed a section of long platinum blonde hair behind her ear, the motion causing her to slip deeper into sleep.

"It's noon babe, you can't sleep in all day." He stated softly in his foreign accent, his hand rubbing her arm. "Do you know what day it is?"

"Winter break." She groggily replied into her pillow.

He chuckled in response and shook her thigh, "Come on, what day is it."

She groaned, "Saturday?"

"Today's our first anniversary."

She bolted upright with wide bug-eyed gray eyes, and a section of hair plastered to the side of her face as the ends caught on the corners of her mouth. "I- completely forgot." Guilt washing over.

He patted her hair down. His soft brown eyes were amused and gentle as he twirled the fine ends around his index finger. "I knew you'd forget, so I took the liberty of making reservations in advance."

"Did you let them know?" She asked in a small voice, averting her eyes.

"Know what?" His voice filled with uncertainty, catching her fiddle with the black metal bracelet on her wrist, a nervous tick he discovered accidentally a couple of months after they started going out.

"That I'm not human," Her voice wavering in her throat.

His hand rested on hers, "They know and they don't care, they're a mixed-species restaurant. We shouldn't be bothered there." He reassured hypnotizing her with his smooth somber accent-- one where she asked many times where it was from, with the same response saying it was from many places. Wiping an eyelash from her cheek, her face suddenly blushed by the action.

Suddenly noticing how close her face was, so warm, only centimeters away. Just enough to--.

"No-" Drawling out her rejection, both her hands cupped around his mouth as she leaned away. "I know how you are." She leaped up faster than he could catch her.

Tossing off her shirt, she searched for a clean one in the closet as he sat on the edge of the bed staring at her body in admiration. "Is there a dress code?" She asked, swiping through a couple of T-shirts.

"I didn't ask, but they're a little fancy, besides, that reservation is at dinner. I'm on break and was hoping you'd like to join me for lunch." He stated, checking the time instinctively, when he looked up she was already fully dressed.

"Is this nice?" She asked, staring at the mirror with a disgruntled expression.

He walked up behind her- he was just a little bit taller- wrapped her up in a hug, and pecked her cheek before resting his chin on her shoulder. "You will always be precious to me."

His response flipped her deflated mood towards a small smile, as she lifted her fingers and ran them through his styled, short blonde hair. "You'll need to do something about this."

He lifted his chin and checked both sides of his hair inquisitively in the mirror. "What's wrong with it?"

She faced him, slowly reaching for his head with a focused concentration. "This!" Ruffling it around before sprinting out of the room just as he yelled her name and chased after her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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