(y/n) be like 3

220 11 16

After school one day I was walking home when everything went dark. I woke up in a room with only 2 light and I was tied up

I was kidnapped. You know because, it's just everyday this shit happens. Same shit new day

The kidnapper (PLOT TWIST) WAS THE WOLF PACK LEADER? So suprising😐

And to make matters more crazy, the leader of the wolf pack was DRACO MALFOY?!!!(I'm having too much fun with this story) it was so crazy. Then he looked at me.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, at least 3 feet, and a cracker. This is who we are looking for. He started walking closer to me.

Then 2 guys came in. It was corpse and that one lightskin mf from tiktok. "Well well well  what do we have here?"corpse said in his sexy daddy deep voice (I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST WROTE THAT)

"I have to go because i boo boo shitted and I have to change my pants" the one lightskin mf said and I saw his hot steamy sexy doodoo dripped down the side of his luscious thicc ass cheek.

He left while doing the stanky leg

Bruh y'all better be grateful I literally peed myself trying to write this. And it's 2 in the morning.

216 words.

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