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A/N - Italics is when it's a flashback lols, Bold is thinking and normal is anything else :)) This is my third book but the others were crappy so I drafted them. I hope you enjoy!

A: What's it like to feel love?
C: It's...it's the most amazing thing possible, you feel safe and wanted. You feel the best you've ever been
A: Really?
C: Yes Annabelle
A: Huh
J: God Annabelle you sound so dweeby when you say that
A: Thanks Jessica
The night was still young and we had hours too ourselves. In fact we had the whole world to ourselves.

But first let me take you back to 6 years ago, when the world ended or at least when it was supposed to.

The year is currently 2034 and the world has been 'deserted' since 2028. I say 'deserted' because there's still a few of us left out there for instance - myself, Cassidy, Jessica and Zona.

We didn't know each other before the world ended. We thought everyone died but eventually we found each other. I was 13 when it happened and the girls were 15-16, honestly I'm not even sure. It was never a discussion we had. When I found them they were surprised I even survived alone for a whole year and honestly I'm surprised they did too but none the less here we are.

Oh yeah right I never mentioned how the world ended, so allow me.

*ehem* in July 2028 just a while after things got better after the COVID-19 world epidemic the government hacked every computer, cell phone, tv, radio and car and announced the purge, yes the exact purge you watched as a late teen because your parents thought it was too inappropriate. So yeah after everyone went on a killing spree and killed 50% of the population around the world another epidemic hit but it wasn't normal. This disease festered in the mind. The symptoms were worse. First it was an intense itching feeling and then a huge rash that would feel like burning. Once the rash burning was over their bodies were covered in what looked like small pox and then came the insanity. They didn't know who they were anymore or what they were doing and of course being in the US, guns and weapons were allowed so then came the second killing spree of insane lunatics. This wiped out about 99% of the population and now there's a small 1% of people. We're known as the immunes. We can't be infected. Of course over time the population will rise again. That is of course if we find any guys. Oh yeah and the virus is still going round in the unlucky ones who thought they were immune, we sometimes see them. They're kinda like the cranks from the maze runner if you ever happened to have watched those movies and read the books. Page 260 am I right? Anyways now that we've gotten the 'how I found them' over and done with here's a quick check list of things that don't work or that we don't have anymore.

All of the cars are broken and there's no gas left in the stations anyways so we travel either by foot or by horse and sometimes very rarely by bike. It does make it difficult sometimes because we still see some animals that spook the horses but besides that it's 1000 times better than by foot.

What else? Oh yeah the internet doesn't exist anymore. After the whole 'government took it over' thing we just decided to get rid of it. There was no need for it.

Oh and food is really hard to find so we just grow our own. It's way easier than risking our lives going to the stores to try and find food that might not even be there. And anyways the food we grow is way healthier and tastier.

So now onto my first friend, Zona. I met Zona a year after the outbreak. I was gathering supplies in the nearest Walmart and she walked in with a shot gun. I know, a fucking shot gun! God she looked hot and I'm straight for a quick clarification. She looked like such a boss bitch with her coiled brown hair and her beautiful dark skin and those piercing blue eyes, I'd never seen anyone like her. She was tall too, around 5'10 maybe even 5'11.

I managed to notice she was hurt while she was raiding the pharmacy. I slowly walked out with my hands up.

A: h-hey
She whipped around with the gun pointed at me
Z: oh my god thank the lord. * she clutched her chest* You're an immunee?

A: I guess so

she fell to the ground crying. I rushed to the floor to try and catch her.

A: hey, hey are you okay?

While she was sobbing she somehow made her way into my arms. I was holding her tightly. Trying to comfort her. She seemed exhausted and I guess she finally just let it all out.

I honestly couldn't blame her. I was so touch-starved and hadn't seen anyone besides those crank people things and trust me you do not wanna try hugging those things. You might not survive.

Z: I've spent a year looking for people and you're the second one I found, thank god you're okay
A: I'm fine, don't worry. Now can I help you with that wound you've got?

I quickly and shyly smirked at her. 
Z: oh yes please, I don't know much about medicines
I took a look at her leg and she had a huge gash. I told her to stay there while I grabbed some equipment to stitch her up. There wasn't much there so I grabbed a few patches and patched her up
A: hey we gotta go to the hospital there's more supplies there so I can sterilise the gash and stitch you up
Z: okay.

She grabbed the gun and I put her arm around my shoulders and my hand around her waists. We walked to the nearest hospital, keeping an eye out for those unfortunate souls infected by the virus. I stitched her up and she took me back to the house she'd taken over.

She'd managed to take over a huge mansion that had a huge swimming pool out back that looked over our deserted city, in ruins. I think it was a singers mansion from back in the day but honestly I don't know. I used to move around a lot before finding her. Mainly because I was scared about getting killed or worse infected by the virus that now controlled our lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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