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Meryl was in CT after shooting the whole week. She had missed Don and now was looking forward to spending time with him. Unfortunately, he had been working hard on an upcoming project, and it wasn't different when she arrived: he didn't have that much time to enjoy her company. That made Meryl angry, which was uncommon because she always was the supporting partner. Anyway, she was annoyed.

She was cooking dinner when Don finished his daily work. She was pissed but also trying to hide that feeling from him.

"Hey, babe" - he entered the kitchen. "How are you doing? It looks delicious" - he kissed her cheek from behind and walked away, grabbing a bottle of water.

"Nothing special. Some pasta... That's all" - she didn't look at him.

"Are you ok?" - he glanced at her watching her moves. She was in a mood; he knew it.

She just sighed and shot him a look. "Well, I'm gonna take a shower" - Don knew was better to let her alone for a while.

Don showered and went downstairs to meet his wife. As soon as he got in the room, she was there, sitting on the couch. "Hey, darl. It's good to see you there. Wanna watch a movie?"

She finally showed a shy smile. "Ok. I'll take our food".

Don quickly put on a romantic comedy and made the couch a comfortable place.

"Here, let's eat" - she handed him a plate, already in a better mood.

After eating, they laid on the couch embraced.

"I love that movie"

"I know. That's the reason why we're watching it" - Don chuckled.

"Shush" - Meryl hit him playfully.

"You know. I love it when you're grumpy. You're cute" - he kissed the back of her neck

"Hmm. Are you trying to romance me, man?" - she faced him sensually

"What if I'm?" - he said sexually trying not to laugh. She faced him and then laughed. "what? Don't you think I'm sexy anymore?"

Meryl shook her head and chuckled. "you're such goofy. Let's watch the movie". They positioned themselves and returned their attention to the movie. They stayed like that for a long time until Don began to talk.

"You know, this music reminds me of Sigourney"

"Huh?" - Meryl didn't understand because she was focused on the tv.

"This music. Sigourney used to like it"

"Hmm, you know, I wanna watch the movie without being interrupted, especially to hear my husband talking about his ex!" - she hissed and got up.

"Sorry, babe" - Don apologized

"No, that's not even funny. Fuck. Sometimes I don't know why you're so fucking annoying!" - she yelled, visibly pissed.

'well, I didn't mean to piss her off. Lord, help me with her' Don thought to himself. He sighed and went after her. "Hey, babe. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, you have to know that!"

Meryl grabbed a bottle of water. "no, I don't wanna know. I was trying to watch the movie". He tried to reach her but she walked away. 

"Hey" -  Don called out and went after her. "Darl, listen to me. I was teasing you. Come on! You don't have to be jealous. You don't even have a reason to be because you know how much I love you". Meryl stopped and looked at him, and immediately softened. 

"I don't wanna hear about your exes, Don. That's all. I know you love me but I don't like it at all" - She sat on the couch and he joined her. 

"I love it when you're jealous. You are so cute when you're angry" - he grinned and kissed her neck, hugging her. 

"Shush, Donald" - she tried to pull away from him, laughing at the same time. 

"Oh, stop it. I'm gonna tickle you" - Don giggled and reach for her. 

"Babe, please. I'm gonna pee myself!" - she pleaded frustratedly and laughed. 

"Oh, yeah?" - he stopped and watched her, who was laughing crazily. "Ok, ok, darl. Breathe" - Don put his hand over her stomach and kissed her cheek. He started to kiss her neck and face.

"Donald, get off now! I'm still pissed at you!" 

"Come on, darl!" - he kissed her lips. Soon she was enjoying the kiss. 


Later that night, they were in bed ready to sleep. 

"Today you were my jealousy bug, you know" - Don chuckled. Meryl faced him and placed her leg over his. 

"You big jerk!" - she replied playfully. 

"You know that I love you, so does my heart and also little Donnie" - he winked at her. 

She shook her head. "You are crazy, Donald. Crazy!" 

"Crazy for you, darl. For you!" 


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