Chapter 1

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Location: Unknown battlefield, Earth
Time: 2100 (9 pm)
Date: 01/18/3010
I looked around to the sound of bullets flying by, I was in my armor as I was leading my squad to try and sneak into the enemy's base, we were fighting the Germans like our ancestors did in the past. I hear a scream and I realize why a little too late, a tank aiming right at us, my eyes widening in my helmet as I prepare for death yet it never came. I slowly open my eyes to see a desert for as long as I can see as I turn around and see a dome like object that is moving as large female mechs came out, now I've seen mechs on my world but not this big. As they got close then got on a knee which was most likely they're way of powering off as 5 duos of a boy and girl step out. One stood out more than the others because of her having horns.

Nate: "State your name and what you are doing!" I prime my rifle ready to aim and fire if need be.

Girl with the horns: "We're here to take you to the plantation because you clearly seem to not be from here!" I weighed my options as I sighed.

Nate: "Fine!" I remove the mag from the rifle and remove the bullet in the chamber, walking to her, leaning on the wall where they probably pilot the mech.

Time skip to inside of the plantation with Nate's armor turning to a earpiece and a pair of sunglasses for his hud for easy access when he'll need it.

I currently stood at attention in what looked like a briefing room. They took all my guns for now, they promised they'd give them back once they figure out what was going on as I already secretly tapped into their network to find out where I'm at when I'm suddenly alerted to a door sliding open and realize that he's someone important due to the amount of guards surrounding him as he points to me.

Person in lab coat: "Come with me, there's things we should probably discuss in private. And I have a offer for you that you may like."

Nate: "Seeing as I have no choice and you've caught my interest, why the hell not..." I followed him to what looked like a office but his guards remained outside. "So what do you want to talk about... Dr. Fanxx " I see a nameplate on his desk saying Dr. Fanxx.

Dr. Franxx: "First off you clearly aren't from this planet, or at least not from this time period, second you could be a great help to both me and the plantation." He says as he slides me something on his desk. "We can even try to make you a mech to pilot on your own. All we ask is for your protection as your payment." I see a screen appear as I just nod in response.

Nate: "Fine but no damn uniforms." I tug my mask back up so just my eyes are visible, standing up.

Dr. Franxx: "Then you have a deal, I'll get to work on your own mech. Also you'll be taken up to Mistilteinn where you'll be living, your also from here on to report to my commands only, not the commander named Hachi. You also have the ability to go wherever you want in the plantation." I give a quick salute and walk out.

Time skip brought to you by Nate using grenade to scare everyone.

I walk up to where the kids that picked me up live and slowly walk in, everyone standing up and start asking questions, I stand completely still until they stop and then speak.

Nate: "One question at a time. To get the big question out of the way, I'm from Earth, just we were far more advanced than you guys are but were constantly in war with each other. Now how about we introduce ourselves yeah? Seeing as I'm new I'll go first, my name is Nathaniel J. Axtell and to y'all seeing that we're gonna be working together when we're on missions just call me Wolf-1."

Girl with horns: "I'm Zero Two!" I just suppress a laugh as she says that.

Time skip because I'm lazy, Nate is now listening to the plantation commander, the doctor, and the plantation's caretaker for the kids.

Caretaker: "What do you mean that he isn't technically human?"

Doctor: "Upon examining his blood we found genes in his DNA that where similar to a wolf's, however it was just for the ears and tail, his 'transformation' has yet to happen."

Commander: "And he's under your command... this is risky dr. Franxx." I inhale sharply as it gets heard and dragged in. "So you heard... that aside your Franxx, or as you call it, mech,  is ready."

(Franxx/Mech but the gold and purple/pink are dark shades of blue):

Nate: "Perfect, fitting for me as I was known for being a lone wolf in battle

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Nate: "Perfect, fitting for me as I was known for being a lone wolf in battle. I'm hopping that I won't need as you call it, a partner to pilot it?" I ask as the commander shakes his head. "Good." There was a long pause when all the sudden the alarm for a klaxosaur near the plantation, I immediately look at the doctor for his instructions.

Dr. Franxx: "Go, I would like to see how you do, consider this as a test." I salute him and activate my suit and run to the Franxx, getting into the cockpit as the HUD for my suit's helmet show the outside of the Franxx and a bunch of random information.

Nate: "This is Wolf-1, heading out for battle, all systems are green." I leave the hanger and manage to take down the Klaxosaur and barely make it back to the plantation, when the entryway for the cockpit opens I'm in the harness covered in wounds. Without warning I slump forward as Zero Two runs to me.

Meanwhile in the control room while Nate's being brought to the medbay.
POV: 3rd person

Nana: "His body is convulsing... it seems that the DNA modification is finally going to happen..." she taps her fingers with a concerned look on her face.

Hachi: "So it would seem, however we were instructed by the doctor to let it happen naturally... we just have to hope he makes it seeing that he means a lot to the children..." A security camera focuses on Zero Two. "Especially her..."

A/N: And that's it for the first chapter, I really wanted to do this for awhile, and no I'm not gonna kill anyone off... possibly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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