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A/n: Wow! I'm surprised anyone is reading this. Anyway, this is a TIIIIIINY starter chapter, just to boost everything off. Actually, I kid, I just decided this is the prolouge, whoops. First. Fanfic. Ever. Yay! Excited. Nervous too. I hope people don't hate it, because writing something people hate is mean, but I still want to keep writing it, seeing as I got the prolouge and first two chapters done at school today. Lel I bet no one will ever read this and see how weird I'm acting. Yay. Anyway, TO THE STORY!

"Kaylee! Hurry it up, I wanna try and get some sleep in an actual bed before we head out tomorrow!" I heard Piper screaming from the car. "Calm your face, I'm coming!" I screamed back as I ran out the door and into my mom's minivan. As a birthday gift, my parents had gotten me tickets for Minecon, which was overlapping with my birthday this year. My best friend, Piper, and I, were going to meet our idols and spend an amazing trip at a convention for our favorite game.

If you couldn't tell yet, my name is Kaylee. I'm 17, and turning 18 in two days. I have dark brown hair with neon green tips. I am obsessed with minecraft. I play it, I watch it, I wear it, everything. Even my heroes, the people I look up to most, are minecrafters. I love them all. However, one stands out...he always makes me laugh, no matter how depressed, frustrated, angry, nervous, or scared I am. Mitch, also known as BajanCanadian. He is--simply put--the perfect guy. He is hilarious, he is kind to his fans, he loved minecraft, he is loyal...I may just have a tiny crush on him. An impossible one, at that. But still, a crush. And I was about to meet him.

In Benja I Trust--A BajanCanadian FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now