Chapter 1

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A/N: Yeah this is short too but I PROMISE that the next one is gonna be long! Im ALL INEXPERIENCED AND STUFFZ SORRY ok TO THE STORY!

We all groggily marched into our hotel's lobby and sat down on the comfy couches in the center of the huge room while my parents went to check in and get the key for our room. Piper and I almost passed out on the comfortable, cushy couches, but my parents trotted up and told us we were heading up to our room.

Piper and I were half asleep, so we didn't notice the cute boys approaching us until we crashed into them. 

That woke me up. I blushed bright red as I saw the two boys staring up at us from the floor.

"Oh my gosh! Are you guys ok?" I rush over to help the one closest to me up. "We are so sorry!" Piper says as she helps the other one up. "Relax, girls, we're fine! one says, then chuckles. "Yeah, we were just coming to see who these pretty little girls are," says the other. Wait a second...

I knew those faces.

I knew those eyes.

I knew those voices. 

Piper and  I stared.

Then, as if on cue, I said, "Jerome? M-Mitch?"

A/N Yeah that was tiny. SAHREEEEEEE the next one I wrote took up a bunch of notebook pages so yeah that'll be better. Once again SORRY pls dont give up on me if you actually read this! xD 

See U Guys Later


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