- Author's Note & Teaser -

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I've noticed for a while now that there's been a lack of wolf stories here on Wattpad. Not werewolves, we have a striking abundance of those, but just regular old wolves doing regular old wolf things, like hunting and sleeping and brutally murdering any halfbreeds to soak in their blood.
Y'know. Realistic wolf things.
All kidding aside, I've actually been writing Silver Falls in my head for a while now - it's one of the reasons I started writing on Wattpad in the first place. Wasn't called Silver Falls at the time; the title I came up with recently.
I'm not sure why you clicked on this book, but I regret to inform you that this is little more than a placeholder right now. I want to get at least a few chapters done before I publish this.
That being said, to thank you for coming here I have decided to put a little teaser below.


Light snow dusted the ground, each snowflake illuminated by the moonbeams filtering through the foliage above, the occasional sigh of a hidden creature the only sound audible in the still, thin air.

A howl snaps the lingering silence, tangible tension of hidden prey taking its place. For a moment all was still.

And then, barking, yapping, and the crunch and slip of paws in the snow.

A doe mother straightened, eyes wide and ears swiveling, a hoof placed protectively over her fawn as a slim canine frantically leaped over a fallen tree and dashed by.

A dark figure appeared, pausing his chase to stand ominously upon the snow-laden tree, examining the clearing for a moment. But the moment a smaller figure bounded up next to him he jumped down, charging after the coyote.

The coyote briefly glanced behind her, crashing into a pile of boulders at the edge of the clearing. Stunned, she fumbled a bit, tossing snow and dirt as she struggled to stand, her frightened whimpers ringing in the air.

The dark figure gave a snort of amusement and slowed his pace. Sometime during the chase the wind had picked up, the snow beginning to fall harder. It didn't quite matter that the wind was facing his back; he had no need to smell out the coyote anymore. It was trapped against the rocks.

He crept forward with a deep growl, midnight hackles twitching with anger, orange eyes burning with rage. No one treads on his territory, and certainly no coyote steals his kill without consequence.

His companion stood by, wearing an indifferent, almost bored expression on her face. Glancing at the coyote's swollen belly, she gave a sudden bark. "Slate!"

The black wolf jerked his head to face her only for a split moment. "What?" he grumbled, flicking his head back to the pile of rocks he had the coyote pinned against; or a least where the coyote used to be. The only trace of the smaller canine was frantic scratches and paw-prints in the snow.

"Damn it!" The black wolf yelled, kicking snow at where the coyote had been. He growled, flipping around to face his companion. "What?"

"She was expecting."


"Pfft." The female scoffed, giving him a chiding look. "You can't just kill a pregnant mother."

He gave a look of utter disgust. "It's a coyote."

"So?" She repeated his sentiment.

Turning away from his smug companion, Slate began to sniff furiously where the coyote had been, despite knowing that the blossoming snowstorm had already carried its scent far away. Angry that she had caused him to lose the animal, he snapped at his companion, "It stole a rabbit."

"Her packmate stole a rabbit, and you made quick work of him. I don't think she or any of her other packmates will trespass again anytime soon."

The black wolf grumbled, angry that she had a point. Still, he paced along the rocks, tail horizontal to the ground.

The female wolf lay down with a sigh, shivering off the snowflakes beginning to gather on her pelt. She had tall legs and broad shoulders. Her fur was a mottled white, her back and extremities a cream color, while her nose and the tips of her toes were a light brown. Her most notable feature were her faded hazel-green eyes, light enough to be nearly indistinguishable from silver.

Her companion's fur was black, the tips of his thin hairs silver. His back legs and belly were a mottled brown. His fur was short, close-fitted to his body, and his tail had little fur. In comparison to the female's his eyes burned bright, a candleflame orange, sweeping across the snow laden ground in an apparent search for nothing.

The green-eyed female watched the other grumble to himself, occasionally baring his yellow-tinged fangs at his own paws. Giving her paws a thorough cleaning, she waited until his growls slowed in frequency before stretching, saying, "This has been a fun little detour, but we should head back to camp. The snow's picking up, and Tempest will be wondering where we have gone."

"Fine," the black wolf grumbled, turning back to his packmate. He gave a low chuckle. "Tempest is gonna have our heads."

"Your head."

"My head."

The two padded back towards the camp, the heavy snowfall swirling in their wake.

- End of Teaser -

Feedback is greatly appreciated!
If you have any questions about the characters or plot, leave a comment. I'll respond as best I can without any spoilers :3

- Catolotl

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