Chapter 9

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Enola's pov:

"Hurry up, open it!," I urge Evirra as she carefully unfolds the tiny strip of paper, to reveal even tinier writing.

I quickly turn on our bedside lamp, and we hold the note up to the light.

It read,


We looked at each other, confused.

It just made no complete sense.

Then it dawned on me.

"Try it backwards" Evirra and I said at the same time.

We giggled, and Enola swiped a piece of paper, and quickly wrote it down, backwards.

It now read,

chrysanthemums my in look Evirra and Enola

We looked at it, now understanding more.

But what we understood most was ...

Our names.

Evirra and Enola, in the back of that mixed up sentence.

"what do we do now?" Evirra asked.

"Rearange them" I grabbed the paper and pen from Evirra, and wrote the words one by one.








I gasped, and a sudden flashback entered my mind.

It was earlier in the day, Mycroft and Sherlock were in mother's room, and Sherlock was studying mother's flowers that she had just got, and was in a vase.

The flowers .... were chrysanthemums!

Evirra and I must have been thinking the same thing, because we jumped up, and grabbed a torch.

Quick as a cheetah, but quiet as a mouse we tiptoed out of our room, and our eyes adjusted pretty fast to the dark hallway.

We held our torch in front of us, kinda like a protector, and quietly walked down the long hallway.

We passed Sherlock's room, then got nearer to Mycroft's room.

"Shh" Evirra scolded as I accidentally stepped on a floorboard, which creaked loudly.

"sorry" I whispered.

"It's fine, just be quiet"

We continued to walk down the hallway, getting closer to Mother's room, until creeeekkkk.

We stopped in our tracks.

"was that you?" I asked Evirra.

"no, I thought that was you?," Evirra whispered.

"Well, if it wasn't any of us .... then who was it?," I asked.

We slowly turned around, to see a shadow coming closer to us.

I yelped and almost dropped the torch.

Evirra snatched it from me right in time, and held it out in front of us.

The shadow came closer, and closer, until squeak!

I whisper-screamed, but Evirra just started whisper-laughing.

"what?," I asked, still freaked out.

"That ... was just a mouse!," Evirra laughed hysterically.

I rolled my eyes. "So you're saying we were scared of a mouse,"

"yeah that's what I was saying" she giggled.

"come on, we got to keep on-" I was cut off by a loud snore coming from Mycroft's room.

Evirra glanced at me and we both laughed.

"let's go" I whispered, and we continued to walk down the dark hallway, torch back in my hand.

Soon later, we reached mother's room, and Evirra slowly and carefully opened the door.

I coughed as dust went up my nose and fogged my sight.

Evirra stepped inside, and motioned me to come in.

I stepped into mother's room, and closed the door.

Evirra turned on the light, and I had to close my eyes to readjust to the bright light.

"uh.... what are we supposed to be doing again?," Evirra asked.

"Looking for chrysanthemums, remember?," I asked. "A secret note from mother?"

"Right ...." my sister nodded.

"And mother just bought a bouquet of flowers, precisely chrysanthemums, which she put in a vase ...... over there," I pointed towards mother's desk, where a neat bunch of flowers, in a glass vase stood.

We made our way towards it, and stopped once we reached it.

We stared at it for some time, hoping it something would come out which was highly unlikely.

"I guess .... we're supposed to look," Evirra said.

"Look where?," I asked.

"In the chrysanthemums," Evirra nodded her head at the flowers.

I smiled at her and said,"Let's dig in"

We searched through the flowers, turned over the vase which lead to us spilling water everywhere, we even searched in the flowers, and around it but to no avail.

We couldn't find a single little thing.

"What are we doing to do?," Evirra sighed.

But I was to busy looking towards mother's art easel, thinking, hoping it wold give us a clue of some kind.

I then noticed the flower painting mother had painted just a few days ago, before she disappeared.

I remember telling mother how she painted them so realistic, and telling her it was very pretty.

"what are you looking at?," Evirra went over to me, and sat down on the wet floor.

"Mother's painted chrysan-" I stopped, and bolted upright.

"whoa, what's gotten into you?," my sister teasingly asked.

I smiled triumphantly and said, "Remember a few days ago, mother was painting flowers?"

"yeah, so what?," Evirra shrugged.

"So, mother happened to paint chrysanthemums, which she called her chrysanthemums. Think about it. The note, saying to look in her chrysanthemums. She didn't mean the chrysanthemums that she bought, she meant the chrysanthemums that she painted." I said in one breath.

Evirra smiled at me and said, "wow that was great Enola"

I blushed, as Evirra almost never complimented me. "It's nothing," I said, though I was kinda beaming.

"Well, let's get looking" Evirra leaped up, and I followed her and hoped ... that I was right.

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