Chapter 1 [ how they got together]

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James's POV
I have been keeping a secret from everyone well they all know I'm bi.
but they don't know I have a crush on a certain Slytherin, I just don't think Sirius will forgive me but today I'm gonna ask him out I just hope Sirius isn't to mad about it when he finds out who they are. He probably won't ever know anyway I'm mean he won't like me he hates me at least I think.

Regulus POV
I came out as gay a few months ago my parents weren't pleased.
but said they were okay with it as long as I date a pure blood so, at least they accept me I honestly didn't expect them too.
Now Sirius is going to hate me even more cause I just had to have a crush on his best friend.
It just had to be James potter the arrogant Gryffindor just had to be the one I like, with his perfect façade and beautiful body and argh.

( this was their thoughts two weeks ago it's still the same but James is planning something.)

3rd person POV

It's now 7:00pm James is sat on his bed, curtain shut writing a letter to regulus, 'this is it I'm gonna ask him' thought James as he picked up the quill and started scratching across the parchment 📜 paper
Dear, Regulus Black
I was wondering if you would like to meet me at the astronomy tower at 12, it will just be me promise no pranks no tricks. Please
Sincerely, James Potter

(12 o'clock on the astronomy tower )

James POV
I'm so nervous what if he doesn't show what if he says no, what ifs ran through my brain,
until I heard foot steps effectively cutting off my train of thought and making me look up from where I was staring out at the grass down below.

3rd person POV
Regulus looked up as he heard a slight tapping sound confused he opened his door to see an owl on the floor with a letter.

Looking back and forth down the hall he carefully took the letter gave the owl a treat and went back in his room, sitting on his bed he slowly open the letter and saw the name.
curious and confused on why James would send him a letter he pealed it the rest of the way open and was shocked why would he want to meet him and alone.
After a few minutes of thinking he decided to go and meet James I mean what's the harm.

As regulus reached the top step he saw James leaning over the edge of the railing his shoes clicked on the floor as he stopped at the top, James whipped around and froze as he saw how beautiful regulus looked in the moonlight black hair shining, grey eyes light and bright as the moon shown down on him making him glow.

"H-Hi"stuttered regulus as he stepped towards James they were now about a ruler length apart looking at each other.

James looked up from the ground and stared into regulus's eyes as he gave a small reply "hey"
Regulus blushed at how intense the stare was as James moved a stepped closer making them almost chest to chest  well chest to head regulus is about a head shorter than James

James shifted from foot to foot as he began to get nervous when regulus says " so what did you invite me up here for.? he said curiously. " well I um I really really like you and I was wondering if you would want to go out with me sometime." James said nervous for the answer 

" I I really I would love too." regulus replied with a breathtaking smile. James stared in shock before they both started to slowly lean in as their lips touched in a small peck at first before slowly melting into it, the kiss began to get more passionate as regulus stood on his tip toes his hands in James hair as James hands moved from his back to his waist to keep him up right, James slowly slipped his tongue into regulus mouth as regulus moaned.  

 they broke away from the kiss as they both needed air, their foreheads leaning on each others before slowly opening their eyes staring at one another, breathless James muttered a small ''wow''  as regulus gave a small giggle.

after they both calmed down they sat beside each other leaning on the old Hogwarts wall looking out at the stars beyond the railing of the astronomy tower. " so regulus would you like to go out this Saturday to Hogsmeade at around 3 o'clock." James asked " sure I would be happy to James " regulus agreed with a bright smile and a little giggle. after talking for a another hour about a past prank the marauders had pulled with regulus listening intently, they both began to feel tired so with one last peck of the lips and both giving a soft whispered goodnight both James and regulus headed to their dorms excited for this coming Saturday.

hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that this is going to be a short book probably about 10 chapters or less but I'm excited to get this out and I hope you enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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