Chapter 10

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Minho escorts the prince back to the camp. Hyunjin was shaken from the sudden arrival of the beast. The prince nuzzles deeper into the warmth that Minho provides. His arm secured tightly around Hyunjin's middle. While they walk side by side through the dirt path.

Once spotting the camp, Minho sighs in relief at the untouched state. The two baskings in the serene silence, the pair sit on the doorstep of the carriage, basking in each other's presence, not saying a word. Hyunjin has yet to loosen his koala-like grip on his guard, choosing instead to plaster himself further into his inviting embrace.

The prince was cruelly reminded of why he was to go to the ruins. He may not have chosen this path, but he is on it and he will see through to it. It doesn't mean he's not scared, in fact, he is petrified. If it wasn't for his guard. He may as well have been zombie chow. And that doesn't sound appealing to him.

When Hyunjin was frozen, Minho saved him. Noted it was his job to keep him safe, but to the prince, it felt like second nature to his guard. Like he would save him, not because of his title but because it is Hyunjin. It made the prince feel special. Usually, guards would yell out to the protectee to move out the way or run, but Minho stayed close. Always keeping the prince from danger, instead of putting himself in front of it.

Minho was his shield, his guard, and Hyunjin was his prince. "My prince, what is on your mind, you've been awfully quiet," Minho asks, concerned for the man beside him. Believing that the prince is still terrified from the sudden appearance of the beast. He pulls Hyunjin closer to him, his arm tightens around the prince's waist.

The prince leaning onto his shoulder. The two keep close to one another. Minho hears the light crumple of someone stepping on leaves. He hears the two distinct pairs of footsteps. Slightly relaxing from his tense form. The prince takes note of this and turns to where the guard is currently turned to.

Smiling as he sees Chan and Felix coming from the forest. "Hey! Sorry to startle you," Felix grins at the two running towards Hyunjin and tackling the prince into a hug. Minho chuckles at the yelp that Felix rips from the male.

Chan laughs as he pries his soulmate away from the poor prince. Hyunjin quickly catches his breath. Minho pats Chan's shoulder, trying to get his attention. "I think we should continue, it isn't safe here," He says while packing all the stuff around them. "I thought we were gonna stay the night," Chan was confused, but as he looked at the shaking figure of Hyunjin.

He sighs as he tells Felix to get in the carriage. "If you think so," Chan helps pack the rest of their things and closes the door once both men are safely inside. Hopping on the front seat and taking the reins. Minho steering his horse next to him.

"So, what happened to make us leave," Chan jerks the reins and they ride off. Minho looks at him with a sigh. "One of those undead beasts attacked us in the forest, we have to be careful and keep moving, ill scout ahead," Minho snaps the reins and his horse rushes down the dirt pavement. Chan shaking his head as he mutters to himself.

Chan whistles as he steers the horses, a few minutes pass, and Minho is yet to return. Usually, he would be back with news but, he hasn't returned. Chan shrugs it off, thinking that Minho is being careful since it was a close call.

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