✨How we met✨

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It was the very beginning of 7th grade, I was walking around the field of our school. Very boring might I add, it's very hard for me to meet people at the time. I was going through difficult experiences, and didn't want to run the laps assigned. I ended up catching up to you, and we stroke conversation pretty well. I remeber thinking how interesting of a person you were, just from our first encounter.

Whether I was discussing my girlfriend issues, or simply a test I had taken. You listened, which I really needed at the time, so I Thank you for that. At the time it was narrowed down to us just discussing our issues on track, whatever was said on track STAYED, on the track. We than had to actually do something for our PE class. Which fucking sucked might I add, but sooner or later we started getting used to it,(not really PE sucks.) I remeber being in the locker room with you, while one of those nasty girls texted you mean shit. I wanted to punt her face in, you don't deserve any of the shit these people say to you. You're special, even if you don't believe it yourself. Throughout the year of 6th grade, we grew more distant. Which is very upsetting because I really enjoyed your company at the time, but we had no classes together, which definitely affected that. In seventh grade we actually started seeing eachother more, in the mornings atleast. Going over to your place for the first time sure was interesting, I remeber it was with your grandmother, I met Sausage!! Oh gosh, that was great.
Seeing Mama Mia!, together was super fun. I'm kinda upset we never got too see that one gay musical that was showing on my Birthday, remeber that
.? OH!, and the wonderful Nacho fries you purposed to me with. I'll always remeber that shawty, and that pretty women in the yellow pants. She had a nice booty,( hehehehe). After the first encounter, that summer of 8th grade, we spent quit a bit of time together. Whether it was for drug deals, watching jenna marbles. Or playing minecraft together for 8 hours straight. How did we even pull that off..? I'm being serious that shit was insane. Sitting ontop of eachother in that pink chair of yours. Minecraft with you is amazing, we did so much. Time went by so fast, I never even realized we were playing together that long! Just goes to show how amazing it is to be around you, even when my eyes are glued to a screen for hours. That reminded me of when we would practice doing makeup on eachother, I have to admit. I was fucking awful at the time- we have both improved so much in the makeup category. I'm flattered you trust me so much aswell, and also that I have gained your trust over the years. I remeber when you first really opened up to me, crying your heart out and explaining past experiences.
Telling me the struggles you've been through, which I hope you know I'm always here for you. Whether you believe it or not, I'm not bothered by keeping you happy and safe. I try my hardest to do as I can, but no ones perfect. AH- THAT REMINDED ME!! when we were dancing in your room to music!, and having a fucking blast! God that was so amazing, along with the heathers performances. That's definitely something that puts a huge smile on my face. Making our signature pasta together, boil pasta, cook your alfredo sauce, add extra cheese and garlic bread seasoning, mix together and BOOM. The best fucking alfredo you've ever had in your god damn life. Theres nothing better, cant convince me otherwise!, its 100% better when I cook it with you. I can feel the love and friendship radiating out of our homosexual bodies while we make it. It's like a fucking delicious cult, and I'm addicted😩. What really shocked me though, is how much we hit it off over this summer. I mean- we text eachother every. Single. DAY. attached at the hip! We had a 67 day streak going on snap. Kinda upset we didn't continue that, anyway. It all started when I wanted you to start watching more anime, you where in canada at the time. And I was desperately waiting for you to get out of that fucking state. You watched Haikyuu, ended up loving it. But what really made our friendship glue together and perfect, was Bungo stray dogs. I'm so happy we have that anime in common, it's so good. I love Chuuys and Dazai so much, and what we have created with them to help us cope is so creative of both of us. I love your Chuuya cosplay aswell, you did a great job..you always do a great job. When I saw you for the first time after..it was like two months right..? It was so exciting! We got too do all of our favorite things again. Playing cards against humanity, making those god damn card board cutouts. That was so fun, I also appreciate you spending your money on that printer ink. You didn't have to do that for me, though you did get that sexy Chuuya cardboard cutout out of it. And thank you for all of the things you've ever purchased for me, the keychain, hello kitty bag and other items, the food. It's all heavily appreciated, and I'm going to make sure I spoil you just as much as you spoil me. Whether you like it or not, you beautifully amazing fucking human being. I love our hangouts, getting dressed up too simply eat and McDonalds and go to the dollar tree. Honestly fucking Iconic. Spending Halloween together and recording those sexy ass tiktoks, proposing to me with brownies. Fucking floor salad, how can we forget that master piece..? Chuuyas Cum TM.

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