Sensei Y/n and The Investigation

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Only the avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world

*3rd p.o.v*

It was around 7:40.When Y/n awoke from his slumber.His hair was a slight messed up due to sleeping with his hair tied in a braid.He then untied his braid,
his hair barely passed his shoulders and went out to see if there was anyone awake but as he search he finds out he was the only one awake

Y/n:Since no is awake I think I'll surprise them as a thank you

Y/n than made his way to the kitchen to see what he can come up but as he search he realizes there is no meat nor anything related to animals

Y/n:Well this definitely limits my options but if master as taught me anything

Y/n than finds a apron and ties it around himself and rolls up his ssleeves of his kimono and smirks

Y/n:Is that when there is a will there is always a way

Y/n than grabbed olive oil,onions,chickpea flour,water,salt,pepper,and turmeric

He than grabbed the veggies and started dicing them up and grabbed the water,flour,salt,pepper,turmeric and chickpea into a mixing bowl

After combing the veggies and the other ingredients and spread the olive oil on the pan and places the mixture on the pan and listens to crisping sounds of his creation on the hot stove

He continue this process for some time until he was certain their would be enough for second and thirds but when he was done he made everyone a Blueberry Banana smoothie and started placing everything on the table and smile at what he made

*Just so you guys can picture it*

Y/n than heard running footsteps and saw Meelo,Ikki,and Jinora who were drooling the smell of the food and Y/n could only smile at this


Meelo shouted as drool started leaking from his mouth like his mouth was full of foam


Ikki was jumping up and down from excitement but stopped from the moment her stomach growled louder than a flying bison

Jinora said nothing only eyeing the food due to hunger and seemed like she was using all her strength not to eat everything right then a there

Y/n:Where are your parents and Korra

Ikkie:Mommy and daddy are still sleeping and Korra is in her room sleeping to LETS GO WAKE THEM UP TO EAT

She shouted the last part wanting to dine in already which brought a proud smile on Y/n's face

Y/n:You guys get your parents and I'll wake up Korra

All three air bend there way to their parents room and Y/n laughed as he made his way to Korra's room and knocked on it

Y/n:Korra its me are you still sleeping

The response was silence and when he tried again there was still no response so Y/n tried opening the door and saw Korra sleeping on the bed and judging from how messy her bed is she was tossing and turning

Y/n walked to Korra's side and looked at Korra's sleeping face,even though some of her hair was covering her face,even though she was snoring ever so slightly,even though she was drooling that it looked like she filled a pound.She still looked beautiful he than gently and slowly fixed her hair and tuck some of her hair behind her ear and seeing her sleeping face look so peaceful brought a smile on his face

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