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"The name's Yeonjun, and you are?"

Soobin glances at her, clearly asking for help. Knowing that exposing their identities was a risky thing to do, "Uh his name is Woohyun and I'm Yuna." She replies on his behalf. Yeonjun nods hesitantly, "Sorry again, you know, for causing you the trouble." He faces Soomin, "How can I make it up to you?"

The girl shook her head and chuckled, "That's not necessary but we should probably get going." She stands up. "If ever our paths cross again, I will make it up to you. Anyway, I best get going as well, I need to be home before sunrise." Yeonjun gives Soobin and Soomin a small nod before dashing out of the front door.

Silence filled the room for a minute or two before Soobin spoke up, "That was reckless. Why would you risk yourself to save someone you don't know?!" He crosses his arms, clearly infuriated.

She looks at him with a soft smile and shrugs, "Defend the innocent's life even if it costs you your own."

It was a teaching she grew up to follow as the daughter of the commander knight. Soobin knew the teaching, yet hearing it from her made him feel somewhat worried. He knew what she was capable of, he knew the lengths she would jump and dangers she was willing to face with such a mindset, and he knew that he could not protect her.


A few days have already passed since they snuck out and went into the town. The King has ordered an open banquet to celebrate the flourishing crops they had for this year and everyone in town was invited. The said banquet was to be held in two days, giving the servants enough time to prepare.

"So, will you be attending the banquet?" Mr. Jung asks as Soomin washes the dishes. "I want to be on duty during the day of the celebration." She states.

"Non-sense, go and have fun. You're so young yet you're so devoted to such a job that involves risking your own life. I want you to live your life." Mr. Jung's words laced with sadness.

"And what do you expect me to do at the banquet, father?"

"Maybe find yourself a partner."

She almost dropped the plate from her hands by his sudden words. She glances at her father with a raised brow. "Excuse me?"

Mr. Jung shrugs, "Unless you don't want to find someone, maybe someone is already right in front of you. You and Soobin are really inseparable, right?"

'Soobin.' She thought of him. A blush spreads across her cheeks as she feels butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "Soobin? Really, father? Do you think he'd be fond of someone like me? I doubt."

Mr. Jung looks at his daughter with a weird glance but he dares not to rebut her thoughts. "Then what about Kai."

She felt her breath hitch as she glanced down to see the small bracelet on her wrist. Huening Kai? Does he even still remember her? She starts to wonder what had happened to him after all these years. Did they move to another town? Why didn't she visit his house the night they snuck out? It's been years since they have last seen each other though she hears news about him and his family from her father from time to time.

"He'll probably be at the banquet, you know."

"Their family probably moved already," she retorted even though she knew that they were still in town.

"His family still lives in the town."

She presses her lips together, thinking of another excuse.

"He has no partner and helps his old man out with their business", her father continues. 'Right, his father is a carpenter but they also carve wood and sell carvings.' She thought, remembering all the time they would go pester Huening Kai's father in the workshop, asking him to carve them toys out of spare wood.

"I don't know, let's not talk about it." She attempts to change the topic as her father obliged and stopped talking about her possible love interests.


"Soobin, my boy, the banquet is in two days. Why don't you take it as an opportunity to find a wife?"

Soobin choked on his meal for a bit. "Excuse me? What? A wife?"

The queen smiled fondly, "Your father has a point dear, why don't you find a wife so that you'll have some support once you become King."

Soobin sighs. The idea of having a partner was not bad but it was the ruling part that he didn't like.

"Father", he starts, "Why don't you let Beomgyu be throned instead?"

The King scowls, "What are you on about? He's no pure blood and the public does not know about him, nor will they ever!"

"But he's-"

"No, Soobin. I will not have him as an option to be next in line. He is a mistake, you hear me!" The King slams his fists on the table causing wares to shake.The queen tries to calm her husband down. Soobin took it as an opportunity to excuse himself, so he stood up and left the table. He didn't understand why his father didn't want Beomgyu as an option or even so why he didn't want to be associated with him.

Choi Beomgyu, Soobin's half-brother. He is a son of a baker from the town, or so he heard. Beomgyu used to live in the castle but was taken by his mother a few months before he turned 9. Ever since then, the king didn't want anything to do with him. During the times Soobin spent with Beomgyu at an early age, he noticed how bright he actually was and how interested he seemed to be when it comes to how things work—a perfect characteristic of a leader, curious and smart. He would be such a great asset to the kingdom if only the king didn't let his pride get the best of him.

Soobin made his way through the garden and towards an old stone tower-the astronomy tower. This was his getaway place whenever he needed to think. After Soomin moved within the castle walls, he showed her this place and so whenever they find each other at the rooftop of the tower, then they know something was probably wrong. Today was one of those days.

The sun was just about to set; Soobin has been sitting by himself for more than an hour now until he heard footsteps. He whips his head towards the door only to see Soomin. She immediately blushes and keeps her head down before making her way on the bench, sitting beside him.

"You're here too", she starts.

"And so are you", he replies.

They sat in silence for a bit, enjoying each other's silent company as they watch the sun fully sets and disappears into the horizon. She turns her head slightly to take a glance at him. His eyes reflected the now-lit lamps from the castle; his features seemed soft and delicate, perfectly complimenting his somewhat shy and timid personality. He turns his head in her direction as her eyes widen. He smiles, finding her reaction cute. It was rare to see her get flustered since she had such a tough spirit but whenever she does, he can't help but just smile.

"Come with me to the banquet." He spoke softly, looking back at the view of the horizon. "I still don't understand why they want me to rule, the responsibility... it's too much for me", he sighs, "I just want to be free at this point... but at the same time I don't want to become a disappointment." Tears start streaming down his cheeks. The sight of Soobin crying made her feel pain in her chest. She stands up and opens her arms, "Come here." Soobin stands up and wraps his arms around her, burying his face in the crook of her neck before sobbing. He felt as if the weight on his shoulders lessens with each cry.

In her arms, he felt safe.

Soobin's sobs and constant sniffles were the only things that can be heard between them. Soomin wrapped her arms around him tighter as she rests her chin on his shoulder. She knew the burden the young prince carries were heavy and so the least she can do was be his shoulder to cry on but sometimes she wishes that she can do more than that. If she could, she would want to get that weight off his back because that's what friends are for, right?

The idea of being Soobin's friend once brought her joy, but now why does it feel more like an insult that brings her pain?

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